From Expanding Your Horizons
Revision as of 21:37, 8 March 2008 by (Talk)
Hi my name is Aiyana, this page is a page were you tell what happended during your day.
# Please stateyour first name only!
- Wright about your day ( even if it was boring.)
- No swearing!
- Dont worrie about spelling or grammer!
- go 4 it!
Aiyana's day,
Today i went to expanding your horizons, its a conferince 4 girls on international womens day! The people there try to get you to love science and math. Its pretty cool though. so yah thats it so far but soon I will b writing about softball games! My friend Anita has a page about her favorit things check it out! Its url is
Oh and this is my dog. go 2
Bye 4 now!