
From Expanding Your Horizons

Revision as of 05:52, 25 February 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Years ago, I taught an Expanding Your Horizons workshop on Basic programming. A little programming, like math, is good for everyone to learn because it teaches reasoning and logic skills.

Around 1996 or so, I started leading a workshop on HTML. If you create your own web site or blog, you will need HTML knowledge.

Three or four years ago, I started leading a workshop on JavaScript. This is a lot of fun and can really spice up your web site. But many blog sites and web sites will not allow you to use scripts.

Two years ago, I began working at Sun Microsystems, Inc. in Silicon Valley. At Sun, pretty much every project has its own wiki site. This allows people located in Beijing, China; St. Petersburg, Russia; Prague, Czechoslavakia; Santa Clara, California; and many other places to easily share information about this project. How should we design this product? How should we solve this problem? What is the schedule for this project? I also have my own web page within Sun where I provide information about all the different projects I am working on. I also have a blog at Sun.

So learn some HTML and wiki markup and share information with the world!

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