From Expanding Your Horizons
Hello! Welcome to my web page. Let me tell you a bit about me. I got to a middle school and I play basketball.
~♥ What I love and enjoy!♥~
I love animals, but mostly dogs! >w< I'm loving good grades. I enjoy drawing anime and playing DDR, swimming, dodge ball, and anything else that is fun! Eating and sleeping is what I mainly do. Hahaha!
~</3 Things I don't like </3 ~ I don't like to hang out with snotty wanna be cool girls or guys. People that keep yelling at me and lecturing me also goes on my dis-like list.Preppy girls hmm...let's see....if they are too girly, then it gets on my nerves too.... But anyways that's about it I guess...So ya.
♥I hope you enjoy my web page and again welcome! =) ♥
- ~* Here is some examples of my art. I am still practicing, so don't expect anything amazing! *~*
Rarw! Be afraid for I will get you in 7 days after you have read this message!Muahahaha!Have a wonderful day and life! ♥ =]</td></tr>
Maybe if you don't notice but in life everyone yells at you, and yous seem snotty yourself so I wouldn't be talking! |