Adolf Hitler

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Adolf Hitler is an American actor, a comedian, a hero and a German dictator. He is well known for his relationship with Mike Tyson.


[edit] History

Hitler was born in 1963 to parents Chris Crocker and Pear. He lived a very lucky life until traveling back in time to 1939 to start World War 2. (Because he was bored waiting for it) And that was when he met Fegelein. Fegelein perfomed many antics on Hitler, stressing him and making him lose the war. People thought Hitler was killed when his bunker was blown up, but he was actually teleported to the present day by one of Fegelein's antics.

Hitler was ingorant of this antic, and it wasn't until he met Rainbow Dash that he found out what had happened. The two of them plotted revenge but were greatly unsuccessful.

[edit] Relationship with Walt Disney

Walt Disney was Hitler's inspiration for starting World War 2 and led him to believe there was still "good" people out there although today, Mel Gibson appears to be his idol. Hitler traveled back to Disney's time and attempted to become a close friend, but Disney told him, "Only I'm allowed to hate jews!" And so Hitler gave him the finger and departed.

[edit] Hitler's friends

[edit] Hitler's enemies

[edit] Trivia

  • Hitler was the first guy to get aids. This happened at ground zero.
  • Jodl also seems to annoy Hitler
  • Hitler has shouted "Fegelein" 250,000,000 times so far.
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