
From Euphro

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disorganization and lack of  
disorganization and lack of  
'''Reality''' : If your rich and can
afford Mastaelas.
'''Kyubbi''' : You no longer train?
'''Kyubbi''' : You no longer train?

Revision as of 07:41, 2 August 2006

Interview with Reality

A really long interview with the one and only, illusious, REALITY!! The hybrid pvp sage wonder, hope you enjoy the interview :3 ((reality </3 Kyubbi >:O))

Kyubbi : Hello Reality, how are you today?

Reality : Super, duper, terrifically fantabulous. :(

Kyubbi : Can you give us a brief summary?

Kyubbi : of your life here on euphro

Reality : Not that brief :(

Reality : Too much to talk about. After all, I joined on July 21st. =/

Kyubbi : i see

Kyubbi : Why did you choose

Kyubbi : to become a sage?

Reality : And uh... Because Sages require technique and are diverse.


Kyubbi : Ah,

Kyubbi : Is Reality

Kyubbi : you first character?

Reality : Nope.

Reality : Third. Well, in creation. First in commitment and leveling.

Kyubbi : can you list your characters?

Reality : Er. Wait awhile.

Reality : I'll just tell you them. I'll add information later.

Reality : And I will not list two sekrit character. :3

Kyubbi : I see

Reality : Reality [Sage], Reality* [Wizard], Reality! [VIT Perma-Novice],

Reality : Reality Casts Stuff [Perma-Magician], Reality- [Archer],

Kyubbi : mhmm

Reality : Reality Kicks Stuff [TaeKwon Ranker], Reality!! [AGI Perma-Novice],

Reality : Reality Sings Songs [Bard], Reality Heals Stuff [Priest],

Reality : Reality. [Spear Swordsman], Reality+ [Caster Supernovice],

Reality : Reality Jr. [AGI Supernovice],

Reality : Reality is a Midget [Baby Knife Swordsman]

Reality : I'll update it later when the other accounts are unbanned

Reality : Splee :D!

Kyubbi : When did you start the

Kyubbi : "Reality"series

Reality : >_>;

Reality : Well, at first, all my characters had different names.

Reality : That got annoying, so I picked my main and favorite name.

Reality : Thus my Magician Reality was picked.

Kyubbi : ah, may we ask

Kyubbi : what other names

Kyubbi : you used?

Reality : So, now, when namechanges were free, I changed them all :D

Reality : Erm..

Reality : Vocal [Archer], Difference [VIT Perma-Novice],

Kyubbi : ah, names on wierd adjectives

Reality : Restoration [Acolyte], and Advertise [Merchant].

Reality : :(

Kyubbi : You were affiliated with Imperial, right?

Reality : Imperials.. Uh, yes.

Kyubbi : Would you care to give us a list on your guild affiliatons?

Reality : Uhm.

Reality : From what I remember...

Reality : In the following order..

Reality : Sheleska, Insurrection, New Age Retro, Imperials, Power, then..

Reality : FROST JOKE! *tacky fanfare*

Kyubbi : so your opinion of WoE and Abel is quite low?

Reality : Er... Abel.. Varies.

Reality : But WoE? I shun it! SHUN IT. :D

Kyubbi : When did you start to dislike woe?

Kyubbi : And Why?

Reality : After a month of Imperials.

Kyubbi : o_O

Reality : And because of disorganization and lack of cooperation.

Kyubbi : You no longer train?

Reality : Not excessively no.

Kyubbi : Ah, when and how and why do you rarely train?

Reality : When? When I'm hunting.

Reality : How? Thara Frogs and Phens.

Reality : Yes, I went from 86 to 87 from Thara Frogs. And I'm 6% away from 88.

Reality : :(

Reality : Why? Because I can never get a friendly party going.

Kyubbi : I heard a rumour you wouldnt trans

Kyubbi : at 99?

Reality : No o.o;

Kyubbi : You hang around PvP alot don't you?

Reality : Yeah.

Kyubbi : You must meet alot of friends there, as well as enemies.

Reality : I'm always on. I've usually got nothing better to do.

Kyubbi : You must meet alot of friends there, as well as enemies.

Reality : Er.. Well not as much friends as enemies...

Kyubbi : Could you list a few enemies?

Reality : Er.

Reality : Well..

Reality : *TaTsU*, eddiesamonster, P$ycho [or something], and k i w i.

Reality : That's all I'll list.

Kyubbi : ok

Reality : I'm not sure about eddie though.

Reality : He stopped randoming me when I 2 vs. 7

Kyubbi : Were u in any previous

Reality : servers before euphRO?

Kyubbi : servers before?

Reality : Oh.

Reality : Yeah.

Reality : Sigh.

Reality : I'll give my server history.

Kyubbi : okays

Reality : I played Gunbound for awhile because of real-life friends.

Reality : Met online friends there. One refered me to Ragnarok Online.

Reality : Said it was a damned good game. Turns out he was correct.

Reality : I then joined iRO. I played. I leveled. I did stuff.

Reality : I then met my first girlfriend there. I got grounded from Ragnarok

Reality : Online. I moved to a Private Server [Secretly].

Kyubbi : ((thats kinda sad))

Reality : That first Private Server was AvalonRO.

Reality : I didn't want to break bonds from my girlfriend.

Reality : So I had her join AvRO also.

Reality : I joined AvRO because of my real-life friends.

Reality : Anyways, I then got bored of AvRO as the population observed an

Reality : epidemic. Stupidity. I then joined LegacyRO because of a real-life

Reality : friend. I then became that real-life friend's enemy.

Kyubbi : :O...

Reality : That was because he found out I cut. He tried destroying my repu-

Reality : tation, but failed miserably as I served him every time he entred PvP.

Reality : That's when I became a PvP-addict.

Reality : LegacyRO then shut down from insufficient funding.

Reality : I then refered to the top 200.

Reality : EuphRO was second place. 2's my lucky number.

Reality : So I joined EuphRO. And I ended up here.

Reality : Currently I play AvRO, EuphRO, and DarkRO when I'm opressed by

Reality : leveling. :3

Kyubbi : Any last words

Kyubbi : to the players

Kyubbi : of euphRO?

Reality : Give Reality cake... EVERYDAY.

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