Caius Cosades
From Esiii Morrowind
To get to Caius Cosades turn left from the Census and Excise building. Go across the bridge and follow the path right. Go up and along a wood plank and talk to the person in front of the 'Silt Strider' (Looks like a giant flea). Go to 'Travel', then go to Balmora. You will now travel to Balmora.
You should now be standing on a little platform, looking out over a town with a river running through it. To find Caius Cosades go down the steps, and to the right. Go across a bridge to the other side of the river. Go to the house that is most to the Northeast. It should be Caius' house. Go inside, and he will be to your left. Yes. The shirtless guy.
Speak to him, and talk about 'Report to Caius Cosades'. He will take the package and induct you into the Blades (A Guild/Clan). He will also give you 200 Drakes. He wants you to go spend it on armor and weapons. For armor, go to the Armorer over in the Southwest part of town. For a weapon, check out Ra'Virr, the Trader right next to the Armorer.
Once you have bought some armor and weapons, go back to Caius and ask about orders. He will tell you to go speak to Hasphat Antobolis in the Fighters Guild about a Dwemer Puzzle Box. The fighters Guild is just North of Ra'Virr the Trader you may have bought weapons from. Hasphat will be downstairs.
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