Music of Arëdighùan

From Eshraval Saved

Arëdighùan has a widely varrying musical herritage because of its racial mixing of Shakrihl and Haardic Aphillians. Because of its racial herritage, and geographic position, Arëdighùan has always been in a position as a middle-man to the Far East Cultures of Zunia, Eastern Naoria, and Northern Taria, extracting bits and pieces from them, and incorperating into its own.

The traditional music of Arëdighùan finds its roots in the early military marching music of Haarden, and the common folk music of the Shakrihl.



Historical background

Classical music

Musical instruments

Shakrihl Folk Dancing

Zunian influences

Military music

Arëdighùani influence on Western classical music

Western influence on Arëdighùani classical music

Folk music

Folk instruments

Folk Literature

Religious music

Regional folk styles

Popular music

Mainstream pop


Underground and Clubs

Music industry

Music education

Holidays and festivals

See also

Personal tools