He Atraul
From Eshraval Saved
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He Atraul is a cult based in eastern Deirityr (Taria), which can be classified as an Arie'Shoh sect. He Atraul is majority religion in the Republic of Arvitan, but has a sizable following in eastern Arëdighùan as well. A follower is called "Hatraulek". Almost all Hatrauleks are Arvihl and viceversa. He Atraul means "The Courage".
He Atraul origins lead to Arvi Mairnagh. He is considered the founder of the cult, and therefore considered as a sort of prophet and protector of the nation.
Arvi Mairnagh was a sea trader, born in a small village in southern Arvitan in year 830. He managed to become the owner of the first regular trade route between Deirityr and the Strait of Nataja. During this period, that area was one of the most active trade hubs in Eshraval, and used to link Zunia with Limnia, and Limorania with Taria. Even when at the top of its company, Arvi always wanted to travel with his ships, facing the risk of drowning in Tiltanar Ocean as his sailors may do. This, added to the gentle but firm attitude of Arvi, made of him a really appreciated man between his crew but also in the Deirityr towns he visited.
During his travels to Nataja, he went in touch with many religions and cultures, expecially Arie'Shoh. With time, he started thinking that the Sascoll typical of Taria was primitive and inadequate to the problems of modern men. So he got interested in Arie'Shoh and slowly adapted this religion to his personal ideas. The result is He Atraul, a sect originated from Arie'Shoh teachings, but quickly evolved far from the original.
The birth of this new cult is usually dated back to 19th October 873. In that day Arvi held a public speech in Arthaghyan, which is currently the capital city of Arvitan but at that time was just the richest harbour of one of the many Deirityr kingdoms. During this speech, Arvi Mairnagh explained his view on life and compared it to the Sascoll one. He said that this old religion was now a burden for the Shakrihl of Deirityr, and therefore the wise ones should have taken into consideration the idea of leaving these old rites to embrace a new cult coming from "far across mother Ocean".
With time, slowly but not so much (Arvi himself declared to be amazed by the wisdom of his people), his teachings spread all over the southern coast of eastern Deirityr, and then started diffusing in the inland too. This expansion was not easy though. Deirityr was fractured in various kingdoms, fighting each other, and many kings and princes thought that this phenomenon was just another excuse to create alliances for wars and betrayals. So, from the eastern slopes of Ironwall Mountains to Dornek gulf, from Flyrsek plain to the eastern end of Deirityr, all the kingdoms divided themselves between Hatraulek and Sascoll.
As long as he lived, Arvi Mairnagh tried to persuade all kings and princes to unite under the theology of He Atraul, but he died in year 901, when the fight was still active. On his agony bed, Arvi was always smiling and appeared very calm when he said "now I die, but soon a stranger will come and help the Hatrauleks. Be warned though: the freedom of soul will bring slavery of body. But don't despair: our sons will see a free, united and powerful land for the Hatrauleks."
He wasn't wrong, because in year 929 a Norric delegation signed a treaty in which the Empire of Haarden promised to side with the Hatraulek kings against the Sascoll ones, if in exchange they would allow a Norric counsellor in every royal court. This helped He Atraul expansion, and only the most eastern lands of Deirityr remained Sascoll. In addition, many Sascoll followers escaped to this area to not convert, and indeed the nowadays Dúneghosta has a very high density of inhabitants.
Since its birth, He Atraul has helped building a unified identity between the eastern Deirityr kingdoms, and with time a nation has arisen, with its citizens calling themselves "Arvihl", in the memory of He Atraul founder. Unfortunately, the Norrics not only ruled with absolute power Deirityr, but also drawn borders that divided the Arvihl nation. The eastern slopes of Ironwall Mountains and the Flyrsek plain, rich with Iron but inhabitated by Hatrauleks, were assignated to the colony of Arëdighùan (settled by Aphilians). The colony of Arvitan instead included also current Dúneghosta, with its Sascoll majority.
The theology of He Atraul is based around the concept reported in the name: "the Courage". To which courage does the religion refer to? Scholars and religious men have thought about this for centuries, and expressed various answers. The most diffused one says that "every Hatraulek should be brave enough to constantly push further the limits of the human soul".
He Atraul is indeed a strange cult, because has almost no conservative function in society, while instead always encouraged Progress, Sciences and innovative thinking. The idea is that every man should test the limits of the human species, proving that the whole concept of "evolution" is real. The Hatrauleks are intended to constantly improve their soul, and a good way to do so is to help the community.
The community is fundamental in Arvi's teachings: it's what permits you to live. Your parents are part of this community, and your descendants will be as well. You must be thankful to the community because it shields you from the rage of nature and beasts. The best way to be thankful is indeed work for the community in order to improve the quality of life in it.
This is not easy, because temptation is always around. The temptation is to see that many beautiful things have already been done, and therefore you might relax and enjoy them. But using the parable of the fruits ("Men would have never bred cattle if they relied only upon fruits. And by doing so, they would have died at the first winter."), He Atraul says that men should not be satisfied by what nature or ancestors gives you: there is always a step further, and you are the one called to make it.
The beautiful things of life are not evil, but can be used by Myath to tempt you. He Atraul doesn't have dogmas, but only normal social rules in order to prevent violence and injustice. He Atraul moral changes with centuries, and so it's very flexible, but always present. As you may notice, He Atraul is not really a normal cult, but more a philosophical approach to life.
He Atraul inherits from Arie'Shoh the figure of Arie. Though, it is called Eirin, and has different traits. It is still refered as a feminine deity, but is considered more like a concept: the concept of good things. When you die, if you behaved following Hatraulek teachings and you elevated your human soul to a further step, then you are Embraced by Eirin and you become part of her. Eirin is everywhere, always and knows anything. Is the bright side of things, and the hope for evolution. Is the feminine representation of Empathy and Energy.
The Banished are instead merged into one single "deity", Myath. Myath is again more a concept than a figure, and sums up the ideas of temptation and immobility. Myath is everywhere, always but does not know everything. The men are more powerful than Myath, because are blessed by Eirin. Though, Myath uses life temptations to induce the men to apathy and to demolish their strive for innovation. Following Myath path leads to isolation from the community, and after death, to a horrible punishment: the soul will rot together with the body in everlasting torment. This because the soul didn't strive for a higher level of consciousness, and therefore did not break the chains with the body.
Arvi Mairnagh, now called simply called Arvi, is considered the only man until now that has been Embraced by Eirin while still in life. That's why he had the possibility to see the Truth and distinguish it from the old superstitions of the Sascoll cult.
There is little hierarchy in He Atraul. Indeed, there are only two levels in it:
- the counsellors
- the scholars
The counsellors are in great number, and their mission is to help the Hatrauleks to not fall in temptation. They remind them the beauty of the Eirin way, and the words of Arvi. They do not punish or rule over the other men: they simply help them finding again strength in their faith.
The scholars, which were counsellors, are fewer and spend their life studying the teachings of Arvi, and the written comments of the ancient scholars on Arvi's words. When enough wise, they write new comments, and help keeping the Hatraulek moral close to current days. They are required to be in touch with modern science and politics as well.
There are no holy books in He Atraul, but many "books of reference". The most important ones report the speeches and ideas of Arvi, the other include comments of the scholars and He Atraul positions in regard of new things that have not been judged by previous scholars.