Arëdighùani Cusine

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Arëdighùani Cuisine is a highly vaired mix of traditional and improvised Haardic, and Shakril dishes, and concepts. Because of the countries varied Geography, the foods from region to region differ greatly, from Seafood on the coasts, to more Game orinented dishes in the central regions.

Both the original Shakril people, and the more modern Apphillian Settlers, have always placed a high standard on the meals to be eaten, both Decorativly and in quality. Because food was often scarce, meals were to be prepared in highly decorated fashions, to make the food seem as large as possible, and created a false sense of fullness in its patrons.

Modern Arëdighùani Food and the culture that spawned around it, is struggling with the affects of globalisation, Valentinian, Oskan, and Salarian dishes are quickly finding their ways into the resturaunts of the Arëdighùan's larger cities. The Goverment is fighting this in as many ways as they can, as per their "Cultural Preservation Policy".



Because of the amount of coastline available to Arëdighùan, Seafood is extreamly popular in many manifestations, including Salmon(See Wolf Salmon for Arëdighùan's specialty fish) , Snapper, cod, and many others.

Shellfish are very popular in Arëdighùan, and there are a great deal of dishes made with them. Clams, Oysters, Scallops, Shrimp and Prawns are all commonplace in any Arëdighùani household's dinner table. Prawns are especially liked in amung the shellfish, Baked, smoked, steamed, raw, Arëdighùani are very adventurous when working with Prawns.

Prawns are also a major export of Arëdighùan, and with the Goverment's fishing renewal policy firmly in place, it is expected they will remain one for many years to come.

Meat and game

Hodstill a traditional Arëdighùani spice dish, uses Pork Sausages, and potato's, with traditional herbs and spices to create a delicacy known through Eshraval.

Meat and game are important parts of Arëdighùani cusine, in that they form the basis of the meal. Arëd have never been fond of simple vegitable dishes, and generally, their food choices stray away from those types of dishes.

Beef and pork are the two most important of the farm animals, beef is used in such a wide variety of dishes, that its difficult to count them all. As the main course, and as a side dish, beef remains the single most popular form of red meat to Arëdighùani.

Pork is the distant second to Beef in Arëdighùani cooking, but its uses are still great in number. Bacon, Ham, Sasuages, Pork Steaks, and many other such cuts, just to name a few. It is frequently used as part of breakfast, in sausages and in steaks, leaving the beef to evening meals.

Fruit, Drinks and desserts

Fruits and berries are common in the Southern Coasts many tropical areas, which has made them a popular part of many of the regions dishes.

Tea is an extreamly common part of Arëdighùani social life, enjoyed both before, during and after meals, desert, and sometimes with hard liquor. To invite a member of the opposite gender to Tea at you're house, is considered a signal of courtship, and as such, many serimonial etiqette polices are displayed. The average Arëdighùani consumes 160 liters of Tea p.a, or ten kilo per person. 80% of the population drinks Tea. Most of the Tea drunken in Arëdighùan is grown within its own boarders, or imported from its neighbors.

Deserts are an essential part of any Arëdighùani meal, Chocolate, sweets, and baked goods are all considered emparatives to achieve a good meal. Arëdighùani are particularly well known for their skill in Pastries. Cakes, cookies, specialty deserts, all the work of Arëdighùan's finest Pastry chef's, arguably the best in the world.

Dairy products

Dairy is very popular in Arëdighùan, in a wide selection of traditional, and imported styles. Many of the Apphillian Settlers had experience with Dairy that was new to the Shakril people of the area, the Shakril learned quickly from the settlers, and now many of Arëdighùan's greatest Cheese and Dairy farmers, are Shakril, still carrying on the legacy of their ancestors.

There are many delicacies involving Cheese in Arëdighùan, and it is an intricate part of the region's "High-Dinning".


Arëdighùani greatly enjoy alcohol, and are known as some of the great brewers of Eshraval, largely due to their Haardic Heritage.

Cooking as an artform

Cooking and Chefs are highly respected in Arëdighùan, and are treated with the same great respect that Arëdighùani extend to all artists. Arëdighùan is known for its cullenary prowess, and has some of the best Cullenary Arts schools in Eshraval, elite and prestigious.

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