From Environmental Technology
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Endocrine Disruptor
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http://iccvam.niehs.nih.gov/methods/endocrine.htm Gives information on Federal Register Notices,Other Related Pages and Sites,Relevant Regulations, Laws and Guidelines, and the publics comments.
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http://www.life.umd.edu/classroom/biol106h/L37/ecotox.html Gives the Definitions, History, Goals of ecotoxicology,Exposure, and How are organisms affected.
Ecological Risk Assessment
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http://www.ead.anl.gov/project/dsp_fsdetail.cfm?id=8 Gives information on Problem/Opportunity, Approach, Results, and the Future in risk assessment.
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http://toxics.usgs.gov/definitions/bioaccumulation.html This webpage gives the exact definiation, related terms, References, links to more information, and examples.
Emerging Disease
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http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/id_links.htm Gives Links to oter websites so you can basically find ot whatever it is you want to know easily. Websites resources provide Articles, Lectures, Journals, Newsletters, Other Publications,Data, Agencies, Organizations and Associations, Educational Institutions and Departmental Web Sites.
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollution Gives information on the definiation, explains about environmental and international pollution, and also as links to related websites.
Biological Amplification or Biological Magnification
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http://www.marietta.edu/~biol/102/2bioma95.html This website gives the meaning for both and also uses charts and graphs to help explain about tem both, give laws and regluations pretaining to it and references.
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcinogen Gives the meaning, the classification of carcinogens, and references.
Environmental Stressor
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http://www.dnr.state.ga.us/dnr/environ/plans_files/plans/flint-pdf/flint4.pdf Gives sources and types of stressors, gives charts,graphs, and maps to explain what it is.
Red Tides
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http://museum.gov.ns.ca/poison/redtide.htm Tells about this particular fungi, gives information about the posion, and gives the symptoms if you tink you have been posioned.