
From Environmental Technology

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A) Sierra Club-Global Population and Environment Programs:


The Sierra Club offers a lot of different programs, one is the National Family Planning Program Title x(ten). This program provides women and their families without insurance contraceptives and services such as testing for STD's. Another program is the EPICC that is working to get contraceptive coverage in insurance plans, I think this sounds like the most effective program because then people woule use contraceptives and wouldn't see them as just an added cost of living. A worldwide program that the Sierra Club is working on is the UNFPA which will allow women access to family planning, economic opportunities, and education.

B) Migration and Consumption


Human population results in numerous problems. It limits the natural resources an creates wasteful toxic products that will effect communities. Water scarcity is a major problem as well and the water that is left is often polluted by the population. Over population will also resul in species extinction and plant extinction, every 20 min. another plant or species becomes extinct. We have to stop overpopulation before the earth runs out of resources and there are not enough for anyone to live.

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