CW7 1592

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Sierra Club - Global Population and Environment Program

a. The National Family Planning Program: Title X, Equity in Prescription Insurance and Contraception Coverage Act (EPICC), Abstinence Only Programs, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA), and Childhood Mortality. They all seem to be helping in some way. Title X helps by providing health care and contraceptive services to women. The EPICC is helping to provide some women with insurance that covers contraceptives which helps to lower the population growth. Abstinence only programs helps to provide comprehensive sex education and try to lower the number of unintended pregnancies. Out of these three I think that Title X seems to be working the most because 4600 clinics nationwide are provide Title X services while the others aren't avilable everywhere. Also, people are going to have sex anyways so the abstinence programs wouldnt work for all while all people do need regular gynecological exams, pregnancy testing, STD testing, contraceptive services, and so on. The USAID is helping to provide economic development and humanitarian assistance around the world. The UNFPA helps to ensure that women have access to family planning, economic opportunities, and education. Childhhood Mortality Programs help to slow population growth because women are more likely to try and take care of their families if they are ensured that their child has a chance. Out of these I think that the USAID is helping the most because is said that in 2005 alone, 484 million went to international family planning programs. However, all of these programs are helping out.


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