From Environmental Technology
1. (a) Wetlands are the link between the water and the land. ‘Wetland’ refers to marshes, swamps, bogs and similar areas found between dry land and water. Even though they are called wetlands, they are dry for most part of the year. Several wetland types occur throughout the Chesapeake watershed because of its climate, soil, hydrology, salinity, and vegation.
(b) Estuarine wetlands and Palustrine wetlands are two groups they are catagorized into. Wetlands also are characterized by their vegetation such as: Shrub wetlands, Forested wetlands, and Emergent wetlands.
(c) Some types of wetlands are: Emergent wetlands, commonly called marshes and wet meadows, dominated by grasses, sedges and other herbaceous or non-woody plants; Shrub wetlands, including shrub swamps and bogs, characterized by low to medium-height woody plants; and Forested wetlands, largely wooded swamps and bottomland hardwood forests
2. Wetlands protect and improve water quality and Wetlands help control flooding and erosion.
3. (a) Less than 60% of the original forest still remains. So about 40% is at loss.
(b) More than 50 major tree species and more than 2,700 different plant species grow in the Chesapeake Bay.
4. The functions of the forest are: to Protect Water Quality, Forests act as sponges by capturing rainfall, reducing runoff, and helping the flow of streams; by Creating Habitat for Fish and Wildlife, forests provide food, shelter, nesting sites and safe paths for the animals of the land and sea; Improve Air Quality; and Encourage Recreation, Forests offer us places in which to go hiking and get dirty but to also see its natural beauty.
5. An example of a simple food chain starts with phytoplankton converting sunlight and nutrients into living tissue. They, in turn, are eaten by copepods-members of the zooplankton community. The copepods then are consumed by bay anchovies, which are eaten by bluefish and striped bass. These fish can be harvested and eaten by people.
6. Phytoplankton fix carbon through photosynthesis, making it available for higher trophic levels. Phytoplankton populations provide food to organisms at higher trophic levels, too much phytoplankton can harm the overall health of these animals. So phytoplankton are essential for all the others animals surivial.
7. (a) It occurs all over. In some places wetlands were filled to provide land for more houses, office buildings, industrial facilities and sanitary landfills and in other places wetlands were drained, cleared and put into crop production.
(b) Something should be done about this because if nothing is done about this soon there will be no more wetlands inland or on the coast land.
(c) I'm sure that there are other places where this is happening. As I stated above, it occurs all over in the filling them to make farm land with or to build houses on. It would be really weird if it was only happening here.