
From Environmental Technology

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Endocrine Disrupter

http://www.greenfacts.org/endocrine-disruptors/endocrine-disrupter.htm In this site they discribe endocrine disrupter. They give facts and provide information on the endocrine disrupter.


http://www.ipmrc.com/expert/ecotox/index.shtml Here they give definitions for ectoxicology. They also give expert profiles.

Ecological Risk Assessment

http://www.esd.orn.gov/programs/ecorisk/ecorisk.html This site ranges from contaminated sites to biological uptakes. There are alos links for different sites.


http://www.uoguelph.ca/GTI/urbanpst/bioaccum.html With this we see a range from Factor affecting biaccumulation to them giving a defination. They talk about uptake and storage.

Emerging Disease

http://www.fas.org/promed This is a site for ProMED. They are know for global monitoring diseases.


http://www.pollutionprobe.org/ The site comes from Canada. Here they discribe who they are, what they do, and whats happening. They have been around for 35 years.

Biological Amplification or Biological information

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ This ia a site for PubMed. In this is we see the biological amplilfication factor for sunlight-induced nonmelanoma skin cancer at high latitudes.


http;//www.scorecard.org/health-effects/explantation.tclshort_hazard_name=cancer This varies from air, water, agriculture and environmental. They give a defination for carcinogens.

Environmental Stressor

http://ccma.nos.noaa.gov/ccma_stressors.html Here is a site from NCCOS. They help monitor the stressors in the environment.

Red Tides

http://museum.gov.ns.ca/poison/redtide.html In this they describe what red tide is. They also give poison types and locations.

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