From Environmental Technology
A) Sierra Club--Global Population and Environment Program: Read the section about "Family Planning in the US" and "Family Planning Around the World," discuss the programs that Sierra Club brings up here. Which ones seem to work and why?
The National Family Planning Program: Title X has prevented unwanted pregnancies, reduced the number of abortions performed, lowered the rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and overall improved women's health. The Equity in Prescription Insurance and Contraceptive Coverage Act (EPICC)increases the access to a full range of safe, effective, affordable contraceptives that is vital to reducing population growth. This program has not been approved everywhere,therefore, it does not work well. Abstinence Only programs give considerable evidence that comprehensive sexual education programs delay sexual activity and increase the likelihood of using contraceptives when individuals become sexually active. This also is not the best program since it doesn't work as often.