
From Environmental Technology

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A)The article Hurricanes vs. Homes deals with whether or not people should be allowed to builkd upon the coast where hurricanes strike. They talk about how people keep on rebuilding their propeties year after year after hurricane season. Throughout the years there have been several people killed and billions of dollars spent just for people to be able to live upon this coast line. However people continue to move towards these areas and continue to build. So, Should people be able to build houses in these areas. I beleive that the correct answer would be yes. People are free to do what they want to do, and upon moving to these general areas they assume the risk of what might happen. However I don't beleive that they should be getting money year after year to pay for the damages of their home. I feel that they should be responsible for their own property, after all it was their choice to live there.

Also, they talked about how they would solve the problem. They had ideas of building houses that could withstand the forces of a hurricane and to make the houses a little farther away from the shore line. I think that this should be mandatory. They know that the storms are going to continue to come, so why not consturct a place that can withstand it. If not people will continue to think that they can take on the storm, and hundreds of people may die thinking this way.

B)The second article that i read involves chinba saetting their top priority on stable energy supplies. Unlike the US, China is rushing to get every bit of technology that they can find. They are coming up with new ways to do everything almost. This article talks about the use of oil that china uses and the amount of air pollutants that China produces. It tells different ways that china plans to fix these problems and/or make them more efficient.

China has a huge population so of couse they are going to burn up a lot of natural resources. However they are coming up with new improved ways to make this better. For example; the small 4 cylinder car that can get about 45 miles to the gallon almost. While American car manufacturers are all still about their big SUV's and other gas guzzlers. This is why American producers are failing and why we see more and more foriegn products coming to us.

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