Bonus archive

From Environmental Technology

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*[[carbon cycle]]
*[[carbon cycle]]
*[[fossil fuels]]
*[[fossil fuels]]
*[[carbon sink]]
*[[biological carbon]]
*[[physical carbon]]
*[[carbon dioxide]]
*[[carbon monoxide]]
*[[nitrogen cycle]]
*[[nitrogen cycle]]
*[[nitrogen fixation]]
*[[water cycle]]
*[[water cycle]]

Revision as of 17:22, 20 February 2006

Bonus Page


  • Click on a "red" link below
  • Search for the keyword or key phrase with your favorite search engine
  • Summarize the info you found (about one paragraph is good)
  • Add the reference to the bottom of the edit page
  • Save, save, save!!


  • Maximum 30 points (15 keywords)
  • 2 points per entry
  • No reference = no points




In ecology, the word ecosystem is an abbreviation of the term, ecological system. Some consider this the basic unit in ecology. Ecosystems are not to be confused with biomes because they are smaller than biomes. They can be as big as the Sahara Desert, but as small as a pond. The term microecosystem may be used to describe a very small (often closed)ecosystem.


What the example looks like in the text edit box

In ecology, the word ecosystem is an 
abbreviation of the term, ecological system. 
Some consider this the basic unit in ecology. 
Ecosystems are not to be confused with biomes 
because they are smaller than biomes. They can 
be as big as the Sahara Desert, but as small as 
a pond. The term microecosystem may be used to 
describe a very small (often closed)ecosystem.

*[ Wikipedia on Ecosystem]



Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6

Bonus List of keyword terms: Use the internet to search for information for the following keywords. Try to find information that parallels with the course. Tip: only enter short paraphrases or summaries and list the reference-see above example.

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