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Star Trek: Entomalians is a fan-created fictional saga, set within the Star Trek universe of storytelling, originally created by Gene Roddenberry. Star Trek: Entomalians is set within an alternate reality, within the Star Trek universe, so that artistic freedom in storytelling can be preserved, and to ensure that no established canon is violated. The story of Star Trek: Entomalians takes place in the 24th century... the same time span as both Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Some characters from TNG and DS9 have recurring or cameo roles in the Entomalians storyline. These characters are listed below:


- Admiral Alynna Nechayev

- Admiral William Ross

- Captain Benjamin Sisko

- Captain Benjamin Maxwell

- Commander Bruce Maddox

- Commander Dexter Remmick

- Doctor Julian Bashir

- Major Kira Nerys

- Odo

- Chancellor Gowron

- General Martok

- Gul Dukat

- Elim Garak

- Borg Queen

Although the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D (Galaxy-Class) is featured briefly in three episodes, the main storyline of the Entomalians saga takes place on another Federation ship, the U.S.S. Quasar (Nebula-Class). The crew of the Quasar is listed below:


- Captain Rachel Ariel

- Commander John Anderson (First Officer)

- Lieutenant Commander Melek (Tactical Officer, 1st season and first 1/2 of 2nd season)

- Lieutenant Commander Lexandra Telura (Tactical Officer, second 1/2 of 2nd season up)

- Doctor Edward Wilson (Chief Medical Officer)

- Lieutenant Commander Keith Argyle (Chief Engineer)

- Ensign Robert Curtis (CONN Officer)

Melek is an Entomalian man, and Lexandra Telura is an Orion woman.

There are 12 episodes in the main Entomalians storyline, and 2 spinoff stories. The 12 main episodes are listed below:

- Blood and Thunder

- Duality

- Laying the Found(er)ation

- The Dyson Cube

- The Remilitarized Zone

- Black Gold

- The Big Borg Battle

- All the Queen's Ships and All the Queen's Men

- Worlds On Fire

- The Sky Is Falling

- Stargazing At Midnight

- Checkmate

The Entomalians story deals with the events leading up to, during, and after the Dominion War. The story begins when the United Federation of Planets and the Entomalian Empire forge an alliance. The treaty allows the planet Bajor to join the UFP, as a member world, as the Cardassian occupational forces are forced to leave the planet (Bajor) per the terms of the treaty. The Cardassian Union is one of two of the Entomalian Empire's closest allies, and when the provision is added into the treaty which demands the Cardassian withdrawl, the Bajoran Kai, Onar Lunada, hails the Entomalians as liberators. The name of this treaty is the Treaty of Mraz, named after Mraz, the Entomalian Prime Minister who helped draft it.

The treaty allows for both Cardassian and Bajoran citizens to maintain a colonial presence, in a band of neutral space, along the Bajoran/Cardassian border. This area is dubbed the Demilitarized Zone. However, when the Entomalians dispatch a Cardassian military force to the DMZ, to patrol the region and help defend the colonies on both sides from Dominion attack, the Bajorans view it as an act of hostility on the part of the Cardassians. This encourages many of the Bajoran colonists to openly protest the new treaty, and rally against the UFP, and the Entomalian Empire. Most colonial demonstrations are nothing more than people gathering in streets, shouting and burning Federation flags. Other colonial protests, however, are not so peaceful.

A large group of Bajoran colonists on Volon III, manage to secure enough support and funds to aqquire a small group of Federation Attack Fighters, which they use to engage the nearby Cardassian ships. At first, they merely taunt the Cardassians. However, the taunting soon grows deadly, as the colonists then open fire on one Cardassian ship.

The Dominion War begins when following the signing ceremony for the treaty on Starbase Deep Space Nine, the Bajoran Kai invites the Entomalians, as well as the crew of the U.S.S. Quasar, on a trip through the Bajoran Wormhole, which leads from the Bajoran Sector, to a distant part of the galaxy, the Gamma Quadrant... specifically, the Idran Sector.

Upon arrival in the Idran Sector, the visiting fleet encounters a group of five small, bug-like, craft, that are dark in color, and have purple engine lights. The alien ships identify themselves as belonging to the Dominion. They (the Dominion ships) warn the visitors that they must leave at once, without question, or be fired upon, and destroyed, as they (the visitors) are violating Dominion territory. Entomalian Queen T'Zek responds to the Dominion's threat with one of her own... if the Dominion takes any hostile action against them, they will be the ones who are destroyed. As proof that the Dominion is serious, the lead Dominion ship fires on the Entomalian ships, the first volley of fire hitting the Entomalian flagship, the E.I.V. Feliz-Dat (Feliz-Dat-Class).

When the E.I.V. Feliz-Dat is struck, the impact mortally wounds Prime Minister Mraz. The Entomalians return to Deep Space Nine, along with the Quasar, so that Mraz may be treated in the station's Infirmary. Once all the ships are back at DS9, the Entomalian medics, along with Doctors Julian Bashir and Edward Wilson, frantically work to repair the damage to Mraz's body, and save the life of the Prime Minister. The wounds are too severe, however, and Mraz dies on the operating table, in front of everyone. As the grim reality sinks in, Queen T'Zek asks that Mraz's First Aide, a young man named Traz, be brought into the room. Traz is brought in, and bows before his Queen. The Queen then addresses him as the Prime Minister, as a shocked Traz looks back at her... his former leader and mentor is now dead, and per Entomalian tradition, he must now assume the role of Prime Minister.

The Entomalians return to Entomalius Prime, where Queen T'Zek announces that the Entomalian Empire is now formally at war against the Dominion, for an unprovoked act of hostility, and the capital murder of Prime Minister Mraz. Following that announcement, Queen T'Zek takes her ship, the E.I.V. Entomalius (Entomalius-Class Royal Starcruiser), to Earth, to secure the support of the Federation, in the Empire's war effort. The Queen and High Priestess K'Trez meet with UFP President Tyra Winters.

President Winters hears Queen T'Zek out, as she makes her case for the Empire's war, but when asked if the Federation will lend its support to the war effort, President Winters informs the Queen that although the UFP and the Empire are allies, the UFP cannot enter the war. One reason for this is that it was the Empire itself which declared war, and was attacked by the Dominion... the Federation played no role in the affair. The other reason is that because of the losses incurred to the Borg at Wolf 359, the Starfleet is in no condition to participate in a sustained military conflict. President Winters apologizes for her position, but stands firm to it.

At the same time, the lone Dominion ship that escaped the Entomalians at Idran arrives back at the Founder's Homeworld, to deliver the ship's sensor readings and scans of the Entomalian ships and the U.S.S. Quasar to the Female Shapeshifter, the leader of the Dominion, and a member of the changeling species known as the Founders. The Dominion ship had managed to take detailed scans of both the Entomalian ships, and the Quasar. The Female Shapeshifter asks her Vorta Aide, Weyoun, if the Entomalians or the Federation pose a significant military threat. Weyoun replies that the Entomalians present a very significant threat, but the Federation would be extremely vulnerable to any military action on the part of the Dominion. Weyoun then directs the Female Shapeshifter's attention to a series of biometric scans that were taken of the inhabitants of the Quasar... specifically, he directs her attention to a callout of a DNA strand. The Female Shapeshifter reacts to the sight of the DNA sequence with shock and alarm. She then informs Weyoun that she wishes to lead an engagement force to the Alpha Quadrant herself, to confirm the authenticity of the DNA readings.

Meanwhile, on Deep Space Nine, preparations are underway to secure the station, in anticipation that the Dominion forces will soon be coming through the wormhole, to battle the Entomalians. The U.S.S. Odyssey (Galaxy-Class) and the starships Mandela and Gandhi (New-Orleans-Class) arrive at the station, to help protect Bajor, and to guard the wormhole. Captain Benjamin Sisko is convinced that it is not a question of if, but when, the Dominion will show up in the Alpha Quadrant. Suddenly, Sisko's fears are justified, as the wormhole opens up, and a small fleet of twelve Dominion ships come racing out of the wormhole. The three Starfleet ships present move to deal with the Dominion ships.

On Earth, Queen T'Zek is still stubbornly asking for the Federation's support. President Winters is about to deliver her final answer, when she gets word that the Dominion has entered the Alpha Quadrant, and is being engaged by the three Starfleet ships at Deep Space Nine. At last word, of the three ships, only the Odyssey remained. President Winters is at a loss for words, fearing that T'Zek may say "I told you so". Instead, the Queen signals her ships to make a course for Deep Space Nine, at maximum transwarp, as she (T'Zek) and the High Priestess are beamed away.

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