Samuel Bacci

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Samuel Maret Bacci was born on February 21, 2003. The first son and second child for Jennifer Majewski, he is curious, energetic, and social. Sam, as he is called by the family, is "all boy" and charms everyone he meets with his outgoing personality, high energy level, and "playful" demeanor.

Now in preschool at Penfield Village Nursery School, Sam is said by his teachers Miss Bliss and Mrs. Agostinelli to have trouble sitting still, but is always happy and enthusiastic about his schooling. "Thomas the Tank Engine" is Sam's most favorite pastime and he has the DVDs, train table, full train collection, and accessories to prove it! (Mom now wishes she had bought stock in the company!)

Sam absolutely loves his sister Sarah and his cousins Jake and Ian, with whom he spends a great deal of time playing. He also is very content playing on his own with his trains or "reading" books.

If Mom could predict a future profession for Sam, it might be salesman or politician, as he absolutely loves people and talking on the phone.

Sam continues to grow and develop into a "little man," but mom hopes the constant hugs, kisses, and "I love you, mom"'s that she gets from her little boy, do not end any time soon.

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