
From Electrosphere

Sudentor is mentioned in Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War, but is seen in Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War. Sudentor (or Southern Gate) is a city located in South Belka at the southern foothills of the Waldriech Mountains. Located on the Schwester River, Sudentor is an industrial city, home to the South Belka Munitions Plant, later renamed North Osea Grunder Industries. Grunder maintains a large complex north of downtown Sudentor, just across the Schwester River.

The Belkan War

During the Belkan War, Sudentor was the sight of one of the war's last battles. On June 6, 1995, the Allied Forces moved in on Sudentor, one of the few cities in South Belka that had not disarmed. The Belkan forces in Sudentor, although few in number, were well equipped. The seven nuclear explosions in the Waldreich that day seem to have had little effect on Sudentor, which was spared due to the mountains to the north. However, one of the nuclear craters is only a short distance west-northwest of the Grunder complex, and another crater is located to the north in the mountains.

The Unsung War

Following the Belkan War, Sudentor, along with the rest of South Belka, became part of Osea. The city wouldn't see conflict again until the Circum-Pacific War in 2010. It was revealed that the president of Grunder Industries was working for the Grey Men, the group which pitted Osea and Yuktobania against each other. Also, a giant tunnel had been built under the mountains between Sudentor and North Belka, allowing Belkan forces and technology to be brought into Osea.

The Razgriz Squadron and several squadrons of now-allied Osean and Yuktobanian fighters, along with Osean and Yuke ground forces, launched an attack on Sudentor on the stormy night of December 30, 2010. They faced Belkan/Grunder forces and Osean and Yuktobanian forces working for the remaining warmongers, who were promised a remaining V1 tactical nuke.

Osean ground forces managed to open up the tunnel under the Waldreich, and the Razgriz were tasked with flying into the tunnel through the southern end to destroy a control node for the SOLG, while Capt. Jack "Heartbreak One" Bartlett destroyed the control node on his end of the tunnel. Despite resistance from Belkan sympathizer Capt. Allen Hamilton and several Belkan fighters which flew into the tunnel, the Razgriz succeeded in destroying the SOLG control nodes, exiting the tunnel at its northern end, which led to the snow-covered, nuclear wasteland in North Belka.

Following the Circum-Pacific War, Grunder Industries was renamed General Resource LTD. It is believed Sudentor remained the company's headquarters.

Sources Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War (the game)

Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (the game)

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