Free Erusia

From Electrosphere

Seen in Ace Combat 05's Operation Katina (Arcade Mode), "Free Erusia" is a large force of Erusian Miitary personnel, which banded together, after the conclusion of the Usean Continental War. As the Independent State Allied Forces helped reform the Erusian Government and occupied the nation. Though much of the Erusian Military did not rebel against the regime change, many angered Erusian officers and military members expressed their outrage against the ISAF by banding together and managed to capture an old weapons factory and a base of operations on the Erusian coastline.

Operation Katina

"Free Erusia" began to attack the ISAF at various location across the Usean Continent, in 2006. The ISAF responded, choosing a small force to deal with the “Free” Erusean Military. This force was comprised of on E-767 AWACS known as Sky Eye and a single Raptor, piloted by Mobius One. After analyzing Mobius One’s battle data from the Usean Continental War, it was found that his battle effectiveness was equal to an entire Squadron of the ISAF Air Force.

Being supported by the ISAF, the team of Sky Eye and Mobius One engaged all of the “Free” Erusian Forces in Operation Katina. The “Free” Erusians quickly switched from the offensive to the defensive, after their first battle. The “Free” Erusean Forces were pushed from all their attack points at areas such as Newfield Island and Mt. Schezna. However, due to the fact that they did not have a strong ground force, the "Free" Eruseans relied on transport aircraft and ships to support their operations.

Amazingly enough, the "Free" Erusian Forces had an extensive supply of military aircraft and a sizeable naval fleet, including aircraft carriers. Despite their overwhelming numbers the “Free” Erusian Forces were overwhelmed and within a month, were pushed back to their base of operations. Mobius One raided their home base and successfully destroyed the remaining “Free” Erusian Forces. However, during the last battle, Mobius One was met with the daunting task of engaging six X-02 Wyverns, or "Switchblades".

After a long engagement, Mobius One defeated the last of the “Free” Erusian forces at their headquarters. The ISAF quickly searched the remains of the facility and recovered new unmanned technology which the Free Erusians were developing. The new Erusian provisonal government was established successfully with the “Free” Erusean uprising defeated.


  • AH-64 Apache
  • B-52H Stratofortress
  • C-5B Galaxy
  • C-130 Hercules
  • CH-47 Chinook
  • F-15C Eagle
  • F-16C Fighting Falcon
  • F/A-22A Raptor
  • MiG-21bis Fishbed
  • MiG-31 Foxhound
  • MIR-2000
  • S-32
  • Su-37 Terminator
  • Typhoon
  • X-02 Wyvern


  • Cargo Ship
  • Carrier
  • Gun Boat
  • Missile Boat


  • AA Gun
  • SAM


Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War (the game)

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