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Beginnings (1600s - 1985)

A small Northern Country known as Yuke, had taken land from Verusa, despite the obvious difference in size and became known as Yuktobania.

Yuktobania, as quickly as it had formed itself, began to Modernize. As for Verusa, they had lost most of their lands and were confined to their borders not wanting to lose more land to conflict.

The Republic of Kaluga’s government had grown extremely unstable. The new leadership in Kaluga had fallen and radicals had taken over the Country. Also, in the neighboring Republic of Romny a Coup was underway and radicals there had made a deal with the people of Kaluga to help them over throw the Kalugan Government.

Yuktobania, bordering each country on it’s South Borders could not let this simply happen and intervened in 1986. Eventually Yuke became known as the Union of Yuktobanian Republics.

Blood Wars (1986 - 1994)

The Republics of Kaluga and Romny had seen Yuktobania’s stance against them and mobilized their Military Forces. Yuktobanian then sent a portion of the Ground Forces, along with a Large part of their Air Force to attack them. The southern Borders then break out into conflict; this is later known as the “Tyumen Dispute”.

In one of the fiercest battles of the dispute, called the “Battle of Dimitr”, the Yuktobanian 9th Air Division 112th Tactical Fighter Squadron had managed to destroy all of the Kalugan and Romny Northern Branch Squadrons by themselves, while suffering a staggering loss of 80% of their aircraft. Because of their efforts the Republic of Kaluga was not over thrown. All that was left was to liberate Romny from their remaining Coup de'tat Forces. An Opearation was carried out against them in 1987.

In Romny, the Heum Administration was using force to take over the country and lead the Coup de'tat Forces. Yuktobania sent it’s forces in neighboring Kaluga into Romny and fighting had broken out once again. However, this time the fighting was like none anyone on the continent had seen before. The fighting was described as Genocidal and there were reports of Suicidal Attacks against the Yuktobanian Forces in the area. Once again the Yuktobanian 9th Air Division 112th Tactical Fighter Squadron was deployed and once again played a large role in those battles. However, at the end of the conflict many soldiers and pilots had began to suffer from mental anguish and mental shock. Many of the soldiers that had left the Military after this, many of the pilots from the 112th TFS had also left. But of the few pilots that remained in the service a Mercenary, named Dominic Zubov.

However soon afterwards he had bounced around many of the militaries in the neighboring countries of the Republic of Romny, and the Kingdom of Valga. However, he soon crossed the Ceres Ocean during 1990 and entered the Belkan Air Force, since then his activities have not been recorded. During this time the smaller Republics around Yuktobanian had begun to join the Republic of Yuktobania and became territories in southern Yuktobania.

Years later in early 1993, Belka on the Osean Continent had began to take hostile actions against every country on the continent. Osea and a few of their Allied Nations had began to call upon other nations to help stop this Belkan Threat and Yuktobania had stepped forward. However, while it did not plan to send its entire Military to the continent, it did send a few military units and supported each Allied Nation logistically.

The Belkan War (1995)

During the Belkan War Osea, Sapin, and Ustio were at the brunt of Bleka's inital attacks and were being pushed back. These countries, known as the Allies, were in need of help. Yuktobania, though across the Ocean had offered them logistic support, which the Allies took. Yuktobania then supplied them with equipment, aircraft, tactical programs, ammunition, fuel and many other Military Supplies.

Thanks to the Yuktobanian logistic support the Allied Forces were able to recover from the inital Belkan Blitzkreig attacks, commence a counter-attack and soon defeat the Belkan Military. Without Yuktobania's sudden willingness to help the Allies may not have been able to repel the Belkans as quickly or possibly even repel them at all.

After the Belkan War Yuktobania had become a close Ally with Osea, the largest country on the Osean Continent. Years after the war Yuktobania continued to supply the Allied Nations on the Osean Continent as they re-builded what they had lost.

----(1996 - 2009)

The Circum Pacific War (2010)

Yuktobania had decided to declare war on Osea and promptly attacked all Osean Naval Facilities on their Western Coastline. In the opening days of the war the Osean Navy had suffered severe losses along with the Osean Air Defense Force. Of the many Aircraft Carriers in the Osean Navy only three managed to escape the initial Yuktobanian attacks. These attacks were then focused on Sand Island, which held the closest Osean Naval and Air Facilities in Yuktobania’s reach. A large air strike was launched, but failed. As Osea attempted to re-group and commence a counter-attack with their remaining Carriers, the Osean Ships were unexpectedly attacked inside of their inland sea. Of the three carriers only one had survived the attack, which was carried out by the Scinfaxi. Yuktobania had a clear advantage at this point and it was decided that the Arkbird, which was not meant to be used in wars, had to be deployed by the Osean Military to turn back the Yuktobanian offensive.

Despite this Yuktobania continued their offensive strikes using their Scinfaxi-Class submarines, along side a large Yuktobanian Fleet and Amphibious Assault Force. This giant force’s first target was once again Sand Island. After a large battle and with the support of the Arkbird, the Yuktobanian Fleet, along with the Scinfaxi was destroyed. Though the Hrimfaxi had escaped being unnoticed, the Yuktobanian offensive immediately ceased after this.

Though the Arkbird was unexpectedly knocked out of action by unknown agents, Osea finally regained it’s composure and launched an amphibious assault of it’s own on the Vladistok Peninsula. The operation was a success and Osean operations on the Yuktobanian Continent had begun. Yuktobania first began to withdraw as many of it’s troops from that area in order to strengthen their defenses. However, as many of their transports were withdrawing they came under attack by the Osean air forces. During one of these interceptions a Yuktobanian College was attacked by four Osean Aircraft; this resulted in the loss of civilian life. The people of Yuktobania became outraged by this and saw the Osean Military as a bunch of merciless killers. As the war drug on the two nations began to build hate between one another, only fueling the war’s progression. The rage between the two nations had reached level which caused the Yuktobanian Military to attack an Osean City and International Air Port for the sole purpose of killing civilians. This act caused the Oseans to push even harder to defeat Yuktobania as quickly as possible.

Though Yuktobania fought it’s hardest Osea, thanks to decisive victories made possible by the Osean 108th TFS War Dog, known in Yuktobania as the “Demons of Razgriz”, they could not hold back the Oseans. Yuktobania began to lose much of their ground. The Oseans attempted to launch an operation which would take them straight into the Capital City of Cinigrad. Fortunately for them the Hrimfaxi was still operational and fired upon the forces from miles away in the Razgriz Straights, which are within Anean waters. Though the Hrimfaxi was destroyed, the Osean advance was halted and the war seemed like it would drag on for another year at the rate it was going.

However, an unexpected turn of events which resulted in the shoot down of the War Dog Squadron seemed to change things for Yuktobania and the Osean Forces were ground to a halt. The war had reached a stalemate for many weeks.

Unexpectedly, the missing Yuktobanian Prime Minister Nikanor and the missing Osean President Harling had unexpectedly appeared in Oured, Osea and held an urgent press conference. They revealed that a group of Belkan operatives, believed to be the “Grey Men” from the Belkan War were responsible for the war between the two countries. Their headquarters was confirmed to be Grunder Industries located on the border of North Osea/South Belka and North Belka. The “Grey Men” scrambled and gathered warmongers telling them that they would hand over their V1 missile project, though they were hiding the more powerful V2, in exchange for protection. The battle at Grunder Industries had resulted in two combined Yuktobanian and Osean Forces. The Force backed by the Osean-Yuktobanian leaders and lead by the “Ghosts of Razgriz” and another Yuktobanian-Osean Force fighting for Grunder Industries.

As the battle warred on in Sudentor, in space a Sub-Orbital Linear Gun (SOLG) satellite which was being constructed decades ago in 1995, recently completed by Belkan Operatives began to fire down upon the forces attack Grunder Industries. The Forces on the ground began to sustain heavy losses but managed to open the matinence ports in Grunder Industries’ Mountain Base and allowed the “Ghosts of Razgriz” into the base.

“The Ghosts of Razgriz” managed to destroy the control areas for the SOLG and the V2, which completely knocked out Grunder. Though the battle was one the SOLG was pre-programmed to destroy Oured, Osea if control was ever lost. As the SOLG descended the “Demons of Razgriz”, backed by Oka Nieba (Sky Eye), a Yuktobanian AWACS, intercepted the SOLG.

After an engagement with two Belkan Units the SOLG was destroyed and the Circum-Pacific War had ended.

Post-Circum Pacific War (2011 -)

After the war’s ending the relations between Yuktobania and Osea were restored and the two nations became strong allies, as they were in 1995. This relationship has continued.

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