Aegir Fleet

From Electrosphere

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[edit] General Information

The Aegir Fleet of the Erusian Navy was very active during the Usean Continental War, which was featured in Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies. The Aegir Fleet was the Pride of the Erusian Navy. The Aegir Fleet is primarily made up of twelve notable ships within it’s main battle group. During the preparation for the amphibious assualt, the Aegir Fleet was supported by multiple Destroyers, Submarines, Crusiers, and various cargo, troop and fuel transports. The Battleship Tanager had taken the place as the Flag Ship of the Aegir Fleet; this was unique since the Flagship of Modern Naval Fleets is usually the Aircraft Carrier.

[edit] History

The Aegir Fleet had become one of the most threatening Erusian controlled 'units', during the Usean Continental War of 2004 and 2005. With their fleet's title being "Invincible", the pride in which Erusea had in them and the fear they instilled in the ISAF, it is assumed the Aegir Fleet had never lost a battle in the early stages of the Continental War, if not before that. When the war had settled across the Usean Continent with the ISAF operating from North Point on the Eastern-Coast, the Aegir Fleet saw little action.

This was until they were suddenly given orders to move out to Comberth Harbor, in the midst of a large campaign to send reinforcements to the frontlines and prepare an invasion of North Point. The Aegir Fleet was to be the centerpiece of the Amphibious Assault Force which had that very goal. However, on the way there, problems had arisen. Many large aerial transports were shot down by ISAF Aircraft on their way to Comberth Harbor.

The Aegir Fleet made its way to the Harbor, without any damage, and linked up with the amphibious assault group. As they waited in harbor, an unexpected Independent State Allied Forces Air Raid attacked the petrol chemical facility, which was to supply the enormous fleet . This effectively delayed Erusea's plans to invade North Point and also immobilized the Aegir Fleet.

Striking while the iron was hot, the Independent State Allied Forces launched an attack on the "Invincible" Aegir Fleet, on November 23rd, 2004. The ISAF codenamed this attack "Operation: Rough Seas". The attack began at around 1200hrs. and lasted for fifteen minutes. During the attack the Erusian Naval and Ground Forces were caught completely off guard. Initally, some thought it was a training exercise. The Aegir Fleet was spread out through out Combert Harbor. The Geofon, Raven, Beluga and Tanager were caught at anchor, outside of the Harbor. The ships were decimated. The Battleship Tanager was split in half by a well place enemy attack, during the battle.

Lazuli, Koga, Fernis, Taisch, Herne and Thiassi were destroyed within their matinence areas, near the ammo and fuel dump and also near the submarine pens, before they could make open water. The Submarine Beowulf Nu was destroyed leaving the sub pens, while the Beowulf Pi was destroyed in the pens.

The battle resulted in the Aegir Fleet being destroyed, the amphibious assault fleet being destroyed and any plans for an Erusean invasion of North Point have been called off. Erusea’s morale takes damage during this attack, while the ISAF utilize this amazing victory to fuel their counterattack.

[edit] Main Battle Group Formation

AEGIS-Class 'Raven'

Battleship 'Tanager' - Iowa Class Battleship

Carrier 'Geofon' - Nimitz-Class Aircraft Carrier

Cruiser 'Beluga'

Cruiser 'Lazuli'

Cruiser 'Kolga'

Cruiser 'Fernis'

Destroyer 'Herne'

Destroyer 'Thiassi'

Destroyer 'Taisch'

Submarine 'Beowulf Pi'

Submarine 'Beowulf Nu'


Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies

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