5th TFS Gault

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General Information

The Belkan Air Force 18th Air Division, 5th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Gault" flies eight Su-47 Berkut. They specialize in close range air to air combat. They call their flight formation "Gault's Golden Nest". The Gault is seen in Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.


In January in 1995, the Gault Squadron was sent to the frontline with their commander Anton Kupchenko, in hopes of them helping Belka expand their borders. The Gault Squadron suddenly disappeared in March of 1995. With no way to keep track of them, the Belkan Air Force announced that they had all died in combat.

It is believed that when the Gault disappeared in March of 1995, "A World With No Boundaries" was formed and began to expand. During Operation Thunderbolt the 66th AFU Galm of the Ustian 6th Air Division engaged the Gault Squadron over the Round Table. After a battle and being shot down, their aircraft's remains are found on December 31st, 1995 on the edge of Air Space B7R.

Gault One - Commander Anton "Dr." Kupchenko

Status: Killed in Action Nationality: Belkan Age: 40 Sex: Male

"The Guardian." He disapeared in '95 with his companey and his body was later found in the out skirts of B7R. There are reports that say that was the beginning of the Coup D'etat.

Gault Two - Franz Speidel

Status: Killed in Action Nationality: Belkan

After Speidel's death his house was investigated, they found that multiple calls were made to other foreign countries. His close relationship with Kupchenko led people to beilieve he had some part with the Coup D'etat forces.

Gault Three - Griswold Veiser

Status: Alive Nationality: Belkan

After the Cease fire, he was captured by The Allied forces and was pressured to release Information on the Coup D'etat force and Kupchenko. He has denied any invovlement. He has been in captivity since '96 in the Valdes state Prison as a BC level prisoner.

Gault Four - Andrew Barry

Status: Alive Nationality: Belkan

Althought he was shot down in B7R, he was unhurt and was held prisoner for 3 years. he returned to Osea after his release in 2002, Working alongside Professor James Dawkins as an Osean Air Force adivisor.

Gault Five - Egon Strauss

Status: Alive (killed after the Belkan War) Nationality: Belkan

He led the Attack on the OWC Communication Company, Eight men took Nine people in the office as hostages and demanded the release of 135 belkans. After 38 hours, he was shot by Osean Special Ops.

Gault Six - Bruno Watts

Status: Killed in Action Nationality: Belkan

Even after graduating from the Belka Institute of Technology with honors, he joined the Air Force as a pilot, not an engineer. He Joined the Gault Team after Kupchenko saw him at a flight show. He died in battle in B7R.

Gault Seven - Lorenz Riedl

Status: reported as Killed In Action Nationality: Belkan

Shot down by Galm Flight in a battle at B7R, But his body was not found. There were reports of him being seen at Osea's Capitol, Oured. Special Ops investigated his whereabouts.

Gault Eight - Fernando Perez

Status: Killed In Action Nationality: Sapin

He moved to Belka in 1990 after he was accepted to work at the weapons Development Lab. Even though he graduated Sapin University with honors, he chose to fight in the front lines. He joined the Gault Team in '94 and was killed a year later in battle.

SOURCES Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (the game itself) Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation Anton Kupchenko's Biography

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