Altoora Desert

From Electrosphere

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This location is Ace Combat 2. Altoora Desert is located in the deserted northern area of USEA, next to the east of Sandbury Desert. In 1998 [1], it was verified by Unified Forces' Military Corps as the location of Usean Rebel Force's Elementary Particle Research Lab, named "Pancake".

[edit] Usean Rebellion (Op. Electric Dream)

After Scarface One successfully detected and destroyed Rebel's B-2 stealth bombers and garrisons at White Valley Airbase, the Unified Forces immediately received report about the existence of the Rebel's elementary particle laboratory that managed the communication plane. Scarface squadron was dispatched to Altoora Desert to locate the 8 ground lab buildings and destroy it. This lab was well-guarded by the Rebel's air force and heavily-defended with underground-constructed, indestructible anti-aircraft missile launcher system. The Particle Research Lab codenamed “Pancake”. The Pancake was also defended by multiple aircraft, including multiple teams of four RAH-66 Comanche Stealth Attack Helicopters located on the outskirts of the base. Scarface Squadron successfully destroyed the Particle Lab.

[1] - the date is estimated


Ace Combat 2

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