The Round Table / Air Space B7R

From Electrosphere

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The geography of the 'Round Table' is very unique to the region (north latitude 24° east longitude 235°). The mountain range that runs through this area creates a circle, that starts near Hoffnung and branches off to form the Waldreich Mountain range in Belka. The area has a semi-arid climate, but it has rich deposits of minerals. The exact consintration of these minerals are unknown until a detailed geological survey of the area can be organized. In the distant geological past, water might have flowed through this area creating 'ripples' in the ground. Also the extremely weathered surfaces of the mountains also reinforces that this area periodically recieves heavy rain storms. This particular airspace is one of the main battle zones of the Belkan War. Aces who distinguish themselves in this area are known as "Knights of the Round Table". The Round Table is also where the player gets a chance to challange none other than Mobius One, during the special mission: The Gauntlet; if they manage to shoot down all Ace Squadrons within a short amount of time.

[edit] The Belkan War (Op. Choker One)

As the Osean Federation and other nations of the newly formed 'Allied Nations' prepared to launch Offensive Operation No. 4101, a distraction was needed to keep the Belkan Military off guard. The Ustian Air Force called upon their 6th Air Division's 66th Air Force Unit "Galm" to fly a sortie over Strategic Air Space B7R "The Round Table". With primary focus on the Round Table the Belkan Military quickly directed their attention to B7R. As the Galm Team engaged Belkan fighters in B7R, the Belkan Air Force redirected a top Ace Squadron to handle the two Ustian fighters. The Ace Squadron which appeared over the Round Table was also shot down, much to each side's suprise. Operation Choker One was successful and Operation No. 4101 began as planned.

[edit] The Belkan War (Op. Battle-Axe)

On May 28th, infront of a special meeting of the Assembly of Nations, Osea announced it was permanently withdrawing from the nonagression treaty. At the sametime, Osea had launched an all out attack on Priority One Strategic Air Space B7R. Aiming to take the Round Table once and for all, the large Osean lead Allied Air Force and Belkan Air Force clashed in what became the largest air battle of the entire Belkan War. Though the Osean forces did catch the Belkan forces off guard, the hardened Belkan Air Force "Round Table" fighters were quick to counter-attack. When a call for support was transmitted by the Allied Forces, 40% of the Allied fighters in the Round table had been shot down. It was at this time that the 66th AFU 'Galm' of the Ustian Air Force arrived on the scene. Fresh from destroying the Exaclibur, also known as "Tauberg's Sword", the Galm team began to engage the Belkan fighters. Soon, the battle turned in the Allies' favor and was all but won. Galm One, because of his achivements in the past battles and the current one, gained the name of "The Demon Lord". With the battle all but won, Belkan reinforcements finally arrived in the form of an elite Belkan Ace Squadron. Even with seasoned Ace pilots on their side, the Belkan military was soon defeated over B7R.

[edit] Crossing Paths

When playing Mission 10 of Ace Combat Zero as a Mercenary, the player will be able to see the events which brought Peter N. Beagle (real name: Wolfgang Buchner), Jack Bartlett (Heartbreak 1) and Ashley Bernitz (Grabacr One) together. These characters were key characters in Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War. From here, the player is left with multiple choices which include helping Huckebein escape from the Schwarze, shooting down Huckebein theirselves, helping Heartbreak 1 escape from Belkan fighters on his tail and shooting down Grabacr One before he can take down Heartbreak 1 and Huckebein. The 'canon' chain of events is as follows:

In the beginning of the mission an Osean F-14 Tomcat labeled "HRTBRK 1", can be seen in the midst of the battle. Later, when Belkan reinforcements arrive into the battle, the player will encounter a MiG-21 passing through B7R at very high speeds. Instead of engaging, the fighter flies past the Galm Team. That is when the Belkan reinforcements, the Belkan Air Force's 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Schwarze" of the 13th Night Fighter Air Division, arrives. The Schwarze are actually chasing this top ace pilot in his MiG-21. His name was Wolfgang Buchner, also known as "Huckebein the Raven" and was attempting to defect to Osea. The Schwarze Squadron spotted the Galm Team and engaged them. During the battle the Galm Team destroyed two fighters behind Heartbreak 1, who then flew over to escort Huckebein the Raven. However, another Belkan fighter appears in the battle labeled "Grabacr" The pilot callsigned "Grabcr" is named Ashley Bernitz and he seperates from his flight in the midst of the B7R battle to attack Huckebein for *personal reasons. Ashley manages to shoot down Huckebein and Heartbreak 1; this is where the events which apply to Ace Combat 05, end.


Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (the game)

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