Aurelian Liberation Forces

From Electrosphere

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The Aurelian Liberation Corps, or the A.L.C, was a small resistance group hell-bent on running Leasath out of their country. The resistance group was often uncoordinated and untrained. Usually, their attempts to launch attacks on Leasath Military Units caused trouble for Gryphus Squadron. This group is only seen in Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception.

[edit] Leasath-Aurelian War (Monte Breeze)

Their first attempt to attack the Leasath Military occurred in the Monte Breeze Industrial Area of Aurelia. After Gryphus One had shot down all escaping transport planes, a train filled with A.L.C soldiers headed for the abandoned production factories to pick up weapons. The factories had been rigged with explosives. If the train got to those factories, they would explode, killing the A.L.C. Unresponsive to communications and blasting motivational speeches on radio frequencies, Gryphus One was forced to destroy each factory before the train got there, much to the chagrin of the A.L.C. Only after the factories were destroyed did the A.L.C manage to get through to friendly forces and learn the truth about the factories.

[edit] Leasath-Aurelian War (Griswall)

Their second attempt was at Griswall. They had infiltrated the city by railway, and rallying the citizens to their cause, forced Leasath forces out. Leasath mechanized infantry battalions quickly surrounded the city, effectively cutting off the A.L.C from reinforcements. Coupled with the Meson Cannon still under enemy control, friendly forces stood little chance of rescuing them. Suddenly, Gryphus and Ninox Squadrons arrived, and proceeded to eliminate the forces surrounding Downtown Griswall. Wanting to assist them, the A.L.C cut the power to the Meson Cannon, shutting it down, but also opening the defensive perimeter gates, allowing Leasath forces to pour into Downtown. Only with the help of Gryphus One was the A.L.C able to push them back. After all ground forces were destroyed, the Skylla Unit appeared and began to attack Griswall with medium range missiles. Gryphus One flew out to destroy them, while the A.L.C gathered citizens and moved them to shelters. Once all Leasath Forces were destroyed, Griswall was liberated. After the war, they disbanded.


Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception (the game)

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