Cruik Fortress

From Electrosphere

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This fortress is seen in Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War. The area around Cruik Fortress is part of the mountainious foot hills of the Vladimir Mountain Range. The area appears to have a temperate climate with patches of pine trees. The numerious valleys that criss-cross through the area appear to be steep, but covered with vegitation.

[edit] Circum-Pacific War (Op. Doodlebug)

Situated as the last line of defense for the Yuktobanian Army and for the Yuktonbania's Capital Cinigrad. Cruik Fortress was thought to be "unconquerable" by ground attack, becuase it was surrounded by reinforced bunkers. The weakness for the fortress was it's weakness against a joint ground and air strike force. Wardog Squadron was sent in to provide air support for the attacking ground units. Once inside the fortress, there was severe resistance from enemy tanks, mobile anti-aircraft guns and mobile surface-to-air missile launchers. The Yuktobanian Air Force's elite aces were stationed at the fortress, but, all were shot down by Wardog. The tide of the mission soon turned to favor the Osean Army Ground units to capture Cruik Fortress and turned it into the Osean Forward Offensive Base to attack Cinigrad. The citizens of Cinigrad, along with the Yuktobanian Army began setting up defensive positions within the urban areas of the capital city, Cinigrad.


Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War (the game)

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