Usean Rebellion

From Electrosphere

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Ace Combat 2 (the game)
Ace Combat 2 (the game)
[[Category: Wars | Ace Combat Timeline]]
[[Category: Wars]]

Current revision as of 20:28, 22 November 2007

The Usean Rebellion is featured within Ace Combat 2, in what is estimated to be 1998. The date of the conflict is not official. Ace Combat 2 is the second video game of the Ace Combat Series, released on the PlayStation game console.


Coupe De'tat

In mid-1998 a Rebel Force arises in Usea, and begins an armed coup d'etat. They occupy multiple Usean cities and bases. Due to the Usean Government's situation with the Ulysses approaching, they were most likely not able to fully act against the threat. The Usean Rebel Forces spread across the continent quickly and took many footholds throughout the land.

The Usean Government dispatches the Special Tactical Fighter Squadron (STFS) Scarface to counterattack the rebellious military forces to stop the coup d’etat. The opening operation took place in the Twinkle Islands. The STFS Scarface engaged and destroyed a Rebel Bomber Group during their raid on an air base and naval facility. After that, they went on the attack. Next they engaged a large formation of AWACS and Cargo Aircraft near the Erusean border on a recon mission. The Scarface Squadron then launched an attack on a Rebel Aircraft Carrier in Anchorhead Bay. Despite heavy resistance and the presence of a Warship, the Aircraft Carrier and Transport ships were destroyed. The STFS was beginning to claim multiple victories after a long string of Usean defeats.

Scarface One, the leader of the STFS Scarface had taken on these missions alone, but finally received support. It would come in the form of Kei Nagase (callsign: Edge) and John Harverd (callsign: Slash). Scarface One and the Scarface Squadron attacked the first of the enemy strongpoints during their 4th mission. The Usean Rebel Forces had converted a Castle into a Frontline base, which made up a large part of their frontline firepower. After a pressing attack, the Scarface Squadron destroyed the Castle Forces. After this an Off-Shore Oil Facility was raided in hopes of destroying a large part of the enemy's fuel supply. The attack was a success and the STFS gave the Usean Forces a great blow.

Turning The Tide

Information had then been sent to the Scarface Squadron, informing them that while pursuing an enemy Transport plane, a secret enemy base was discovered being built deep within a ravine. A Bombing mission was out of the question, due to an integrated radar net. Scarface One flew into the ravine alone and destroyed the base. This operation was quickly followed by a large attack on an enemy Mine Facility and an attack on fleeing enemy forces, pulling back from their Frontline. The STFS then escorted an Allied Usean Bomber Unit as it attacked a Ship-Building Facility, after finding a gap in the enemy's frontline. The entire facility was wiped out, along with nearby warships, by the two units. During the battle a ZOE F-14 Tomcat was engaged and destroyed by the STFS. The ZOE was a key part of the Usean Rebellion Leadership, but that was the only thing known about them at the time.

The Usean Rebel Forces then attempted to move a large High-Altitude Bomber group, comprised of SR-71s and XB-70s. The group was sighted by a recon satellite and destroyed by Scarface One, personally. The Usean Rebellion had began to suffer supply shortages and attempted to resupply their forces by air. But, these Air Drop operations were shut down and an enemy arms production facility was taken over. The STFS also attacked a Rocket Launch Facility in the Comona Islands (believed to be the Riass Space Center). They managed to destroy a prototype XB-10 Bomber before it could be launched.

The Usean Rebel Forces then launched an all out Naval Offensive. The Scarface Squadron engaged the fleet head on and the following battle was intense. However, the Fleet was destroyed. To take things a step further Scarface One later attacked a secret enemy Submarine Facility, which was hidden among multiple cliffs. There he manages to destroy one of the feared Dragonet Submarines before it left to sea and deployed it's array of lethal missiles.

An enemy Power Facility was raided by the STFS and taken over in the same manner the enemy's arms production facility, though it was much more heavily guarded. Here, yet another ZOE Aircraft (an F-22 Raptor) was engaged and destroyed. Operation Alphaville and Operation Bellissima followed this. These operations split the Allied Usean Forces and allowed them to engage multiple vital enemy point at once.

Operation Alphaville and Bellisima

Operation Alphaville opened with an immediate attack against a hardened Missile Launch Facility. The hardened cover to the Missile Silo Facility was blown off of the Facility's exhaust duct and Scarface One flew into the facility and destroyed the base from the inside. This attack took away the ability for the Rebellious Usean Forces to mount a large counter-attack. An Allied Aircraft Carrier Mobile Fleet was dispatched after this and had planned to pass through the Payton Channel, in order to launch attacks deep within enemy territory. The Scarface Squadron escorted the fleet thorugh the Payton Channel by decimating the entire Usean Rebel Force in the area.

The Usean Rebel Forces responded to this sudden invasion by blocking the path of the Allied Mobile Fleet, with a large fleet of their own. The STFS was once again called upon to destroy this fleet, which was primarily comprised of Aircraft Carriers. The Naval Battle soon grew into a Naval and Air battle and lasted for an extended amount of time. Eventually, the enemy fleet was swept aside and the Allied Mobile Fleet continued their operations.

The SFTS then coordinated with a Ground Unit to destroy a hardened Geo-Thermal Power Plant. As the Scarface Squadron attacked surrounding Rebel Forces, the ground unit snuck into the enemy facility and opened the Heat Release Vent, allowing Scarface One to fly into the base and destroy the central cooling unit. With its destruction the Plant was forced to shut down.

The last mission of Alphaville was focused on a radar facilities set-up along a complex coastal area. Because of the terrain, Scarface Squadron was forced to use their guns to destroy the sites. The battle was fierce and involved some of the best pilots of the Usean Rebellion. The operation was a success and the Rebel Defense line was broken through.

Operation Belissima started the same time Operation Alphaville did. It opened with pursuit of important cargo planes, escorted by enemy aces, in the midst of a lightning storm. Though that made things much more difficult, the operation did succeed. After this, the Usean Rebel Forces prepared a large counter-attack against the invading Allied Forces, by gathering air power at an air base, far up north near the Snyder's Top territory. The base was raided by Scarface One after he flew over a long distance, past multiple enemy guard towers. The entire assembled unit was destroyed before it left the area.

The Scarface Squadron then went to support a ground recovery unit save a downed E-767 AWACS callsign "Stage Coach", which was holding secret military codes. The Scraface Squadron managed to fend off the enemy forces and allow the recovery team to reach the AWACS. Following the attack on the enemy garrison, an Elementary Particle Lab known as "Pancake" was discovered. The STFS was in constant danger during this operation, since an intense missile defense net was established and all of it's missile launchers were installed underground, making them indestructible.

Operation Belissima ended with an all out attack against the enemy's main line of defense. The Usean Rebel Forces had managed to gather a large Naval and Aerial Force, comprised of some of their best pilots, multiple warships and an operational XB-10. The Battle lasted long, and the STFS encountered an unprecedented amount of firepower. They managed to breakthrough the defense line and began to head towards the enemy's HQ.

The next major operation of the war was to push the rebels off the Usean mainland. The ground forces that took part in Operation Alphaville and Belissima would be combined to attack the last rebel stronghold, the city of Port Edwards. After the systematic destruction of the city's highways and air forces, the city quickly fell. The next step was to be the invasion of North Point.

North Point Campaign

The next stronghold of the coup forces was the capital of North Point, St. Ark. The best pilots and air defenses were assembled in the city, to guard the coup leaders who were in the Government Building. Scarface One and his wingmen attacked the city, annihilating the enemy forces, and also destroying a Z.O.E. AI plane. This was not the end of the battle, several rebel officers officers escaped in a Dragonet Submarine before the air raid, and resurfaced just outside the city. They had a single MIRV missile that would be used to destroy St. Ark, to cause severe damage to the Allied Forces in the city and to prevent its further use against the rebels. Scarface One was able to sink the submarine, and also shoot down the missile using his guns.

The last battle took place at the Fortress: Intolerance located at North Point. The few remaining coup forces had another ballistic missile waiting inside, and were planning on launching it soon. Scarface One was dispatched, where he shot down the last Z.O.E. plane and fought endless numbers of F-15S's. Scarface One was later able to fly into the fortress and destroy the missile himself, which caused the fortress to implode.


Ultimately the STFS attack on the rebelling military saved the Country’s current government. Fighting had taken place all across the Usean Continent; mostly in states which were also taking part in the construction of Stonehenge, particularly Erusia. The Rebel forces were also attacked by these states and the combined forces were able to defeat the Rebelling Forces. The results of the war may have played into the hands of the Erusians; who had suffered little damage by the coup. The loss of many officers, muntions bases, and equipment would end up giving ISAF much trouble when it faced Erusia 5 years later.


Ace Combat 2 (the game)

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