Circum-Pacific War

From Electrosphere

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'''October 25, 2010''': An explosive device hidden in the cargo delivered from Earth is set off, rendering the Arkbird inoperable.
'''October 25, 2010''': An explosive device hidden in the cargo delivered from Earth is set off, rendering the Arkbird inoperable.
[[Category: Wars]]

Current revision as of 20:26, 22 November 2007

The Circum-Pacific War is the conflict within Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War and Ace Combat 05: Squadron Leader. It takes place in the year 2010 within the continents of Osea and Yuktobania.


[edit] Unknown Attackers

On September 24, 2010, the trainees (a.k.a Nuggets) of the 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron (Wardogs), were flying a training mission form Sand Island Osean Air Defence Force Base when they were attacked by an unknown force. All but 3 of the Nuggets, and their instructor Captain Jack Bartlett were lost. Later that same day, the remnants of the Wardog Squadron were sent out to locate and identify an aircraft that had penetrated Osean Air Space. When intercepting what turned out to be a SR-71 Recon Aircraft, the Wardog's were again attacked an unknown enemy, this time, with the leadership of Capt. Bartlett, they were able to engage and eliminate the hostile aircraft.

[edit] Sudden Attack

Yuktobania declares war on Osea, one of their allied countries, for unknown reasons.

The Yuktobanian Military opens the war with attacks on multiple Osean Air Bases and Naval Ports. The Osean Military was caught off guard, they were stunned and reeling. As the Yuktobanian attacks continued, the Osean Military scrambled to compose themselves and counterattack. Sand Island, home of the 108th Osean Tactical Fighter Squadron "War Dog" had come under heavy attack, since it was the closest Osean facility to Yuktobania. A large scale Air-Strike was launched against the Air Base, but the 108th managed to fend them off and continued their operations in support of their Allied Forces.

The Yuktobanian attacks, though deadly, failed to destroy the Osean Aircraft Carriers. Osea moved it's Carriers to counterattack the Yuktobanian Navy and repel any incoming attacks. However, during their transit through the Inland Sea a surprise Yuktobanian attack was sprung. The Osean forces were caught off guard, since calculations showed that they were well out of range for an enemy attack. The attack was repelled for short time before Yuktobanian deployed two Burst Missiles from their large Underwater Carrier 'Scinfaxi' and destroyed two of the three Aircraft Carriers. This ended Osea's first attempt at counter attacking.

Seeing that their forces were being pushed back, Osea deployed the Arkbird, a large maneuverable spacecraft capable of attacking from orbit to counter the great Yuktobanian might. The Arkbird Laser component was sent into space via SSTO from the Mass Driver at Basset Space Center. The Yuktobanian Air Force attempted an Air Operation aimed at stopping the launch be destroying the Mass Driver and occupying the Space Center, but the attempt failed, due to the presence of Osean Aircraft.

Days later a Yuktobanian Amphibious Assault Force attempted to land on Sand Island. The 108th TFS War Dog, along with other pilots scrambled to engage the incoming ships. The aircraft began to fend off the Yuktobanian Naval Forces, but were girastically cut down to size when engaged by Scinfaxi Burst Missiles. However, many of these launches were unsuccessful, due to the Arkbird. The Arkbird had cooperated with a Sonar-Helicopter in locating the Burst Missiles and destroying the from orbit, with it's laser. The Scinfaxi was later attacked and forced from deep under the water. Once on the surface the Scinfaxi was disabled by the Arkbird and destroyed by the War Dog Squadron. The Naval attack soon fell apart.

[edit] War Machine

The Arkbird was damaged by unknown operatives and was put out of commission for several days. Osean forces quickly recomposed themselves and launched Operation Foot Print; the mission was to invade and occupy the Yuktobanian mainland. Following the success of Operation Foot Print the Osean army began attacking the Yuktobanian military in their own country. As the war began to pick up the Osean military seemed to have the upper hand. The Osean President decided to travel to the neutral country of North Point of the North eastern coast of the Usean continent, to hold peace talks; but his aircraft was attacked and forced to make an emergency landing. Soon after this, his actions were carried out by his Vice-President during is absence. The president wasn't seen after this incident for months to come.

After losing frontline positions on their own continent, Yuktobanian forces attempted to retreat to defend areas farther inland. However, they were intercepted by Osean Forces and despite jamming, shot down. During the fighting a Yuktobanian city was attacked by an Osean unit. The 108th TFS were in the area at that time and the unit had come under question. They were sent back to the Osean capital city, Oured, for questioning. During their trials, a Yuktobanian special forces unit attacked Bana City and Apito International Airport in Osea. This escalated the war even further.

The Osean Military launched major attacks on prime Yuktobanian targets like their primary munitions complex in Duga, Yuktobania. The Osean Main Ground Force continued to press on in Yuktobania, towards the nation's capital. A large offensive which would bring them to Cinigrad. The attack was repelled by a sudden Burst Missile attack from from the 'Hrimfaxi', the Scinfaxi sister ship. The 108th TFS was dispatched once more and despite the Osean Ground Operation failing and no support from the Arkbird, managed to destroy the Hrimfaxi in the icy Razgriz Straits in Anea.

As the war continued to drag on, a single Osean fighter unit the "War Dog Squadron", better known by the Yuktobanians as the "Demons of Razgriz"; had become the Osean military's center of moral.

The Osean Main Ground Force and the Yuktobanian Main Ground Force met face-to-face at full strength, for this first time, in the Jilachi Desert. The 108th TFS supported the Desert Operations, which lead to Yuktobania suffering a major defeat and losing vital positions.

The 108th was called back to Osea for a fly-over at a Presidental War Rally, in November City. Conflict broke out over the city minutes after their fly by when a mass of Yuktobanian aircraft penetrated the Osean ADEZ and attacked the Stadium where the rally was. The War Dog fought bravely until Osean support arrived, but lost on member in action.

The Osean ground forces then attempted a second attack against the Yuktobanian Capital, but a large fortress stood in their way. The Cruik Fortress had halted two of their first attacks, but the Osean ground forces eventually broke through and headed towards the capital. After the operation's success the War Dog squadron were found to be spies and attempted to escape. They had escaped from Sand Island in Training aircraft, but were pursued by the Osean 8492nd Tactical Fighter Squadron. Though contact was lost, Marcus Snow of the 3rd Osean Fleet engaged and shot them down. They all failed to eject.

[edit] Razgriz

Though they lost their pillar of morale, the Osean military continued their fighting. During the fighting, rumors of an unknown Aircraft unit attacking targets in Belka began to circulate. The Arkbird was repaired, but during an accident in changing their orbital direction four unknown aircraft attacked and destroyed the Arkbird, dropping it into the Ceres Sea. The four Black Aircraft were said to be seen in Yuktobania as well; more rumors began to circulate and speculations began.

These rumors came into light when ships of the third Osean Fleet attempted to head to Yuktobania with someone claiming to be the Yuktobanian Prime Minister. When the 3rd Osean fleet was attacked four unknown Black Aircraft single handedly sunk an entire Yuktobanian fleet, along with an Osean fleet also attempting to sink them.

The President of Osea had re-appeared in the capital of Oured and began ordering all Osean units to stand down immediately. He called upon the Yuktobanian Prime Minister and they met in downtown Oured for a special broadcast. During this broadcast, they unveiled the existence of another country being responsible for the war; engineering it from the start. This country was Belka. Both the Osean President and the Yuktobanian Prime Minister called upon their forces to halt their fighting against one another and silence the catalysts of the war.

With the combined Osean and Yuktobanian forces, along with the "Ghosts of Razgriz"; the War dog Squadron, they attacked a facility in North Osea to stop the catalysts once and for all. As the facility fell, the SOLG, a large orbital cannon under construction during the last war; was used against them. Despite this, the catalysts were defeated. In yet another act of defiance, the SOLG was programmed to fall onto the Osean capital city of Oured. The "Ghosts of Razgriz" engaged the falling SOLG, along with eight aircraft from Belka and destroyed the SOLG before it hit Oured.

The eight aircraft were rumored to be two secret Belkan Black Operations units within Osea and Yuktobania, which were helping in keeping the war going. They were known as the Ofnir and Grabacr Squadrons and were under the command of the long silent "Grey Men" from the Belkan War in 1995. While they were ultimately defeated, they still had a taste of their long wanted revenge against Yuktobania and Osea.

The war finally came to a close and peace had returned to the countries of Osea and Yuktobania. The pilots known as the "Ghosts of Razgriz" disappeared after the war ended; they were never seen again. The Grey Men also disappeared. There whereabouts since then and like before, are unknown.

[edit] The Circum Pacific War - Timeline

September 24, 2010: Unidentified aircraft detected entering Osean air space off the western coast. Osean Air Defense Force 108th Tactical Fighter Wing Detachment (Sand Island Squadron) scrambles to Intercept. Engages in combat with additional group of unidentified fighters.

September 27, 2010: Unidentified vessel detected west of Sand Island attempts recon activities but is stopped by Sand Island Squadron. Captain Jack Bartlett is shot down during conflict with unidentified fighters and is later reported as MIA (Missing In Action). At 1200 hours the same day, The Union of Yuktobanian Republics declares war on the Osean Federation.

September 27, 2010: Yuktobanian Naval Forces launch a surprise attack against the Osean Naval port at St. Hewlett. Captain Anderson, commander of the 3rd Fleet Flagship, the aircraft carrier Kestrel, leads the fleet through a blockade of Yuktobanian Naval ships and aircraft. For this engagement, Blaze is promoted to Squadron Commander in the fleet support mission.

September 27, 2010: As the sun is setting in the West, Yuktobanian Air Forces launch air strike against the base facilities on Sand Island. The Base suffers extensive damage, but is still useable. During this engagement, A1C Hans Grimm is officially assigned to the Sand Island Detachment. Also, the 108th's commander, LTC Ford is shot down and persumed killed while attempting to land during the battle.

September 30, 2010: While traveling through the Eaglin Straits on their way to regroup on the in land sea, the Carriers of the Osean 3rd Fleet, Buzzard, Vulture, and Kestral are attacked by airstrikes initiated from the Yuktobanian Submarine carrier Scinfaxi. When the Air Strikes are unsuccessful, the Scinfaxi unleashes a new and powerful weapon, the burst missile. During the brief engagement, the two carriers, Buzzard and Vulture are sunk. This leaves only the Kestral for offensive operations. After this battle, the Oseans deploy the ASAT "Arkbird" to the frontlines to counter these Burst Missiles.

October 3, 2010: Osean Forces successfully launch SSTO (Single Stage To Orbit) Vehicle into space to rendezvous with the Arkbird and deliver a armament payload. Just prior to the launch, Yuktobanian Air and Ground Forces attempt to stop the launch by dropping airborne tanks to seize the Control Facility at Basset Space Center. When this fails, they launch cruise missiles from B-2B Stealth Bombers to destroy the launch rail. Through the efforts of the Wardog Squadron, the Stealth Bombers are destroyed.

October 4, 2010: Yuktobanian Naval Forces attempt and invasion of the Sand Island Base. There were some losses of inexperienced pilots to OADF, but due in part to the actions of the Sand Island Squadron, the invasion was pushed back. During the Battle, Osea deploys the Arkbird as an offensive weapon for the first time using it's lasers against the fleet and to disable the Scinfaxi thus allowing the Sand Island Squadron to complete it's destruction.

October 22, 2010: While Partolling the Akerson Hill Defense Region, the Wardog Squadron encounters a disabled Transport plane on a Top Secret mission. The pilot was shot by a stowaway and two of the passengers, including Osean President Vincent Harling, Attempt to land the plane. During the encounter, Yuktobanian Air Forces attempt to engage and shoot down the transport, but from the transmissions, didn't expect it to have escorts. The Wardog Squadron successfully defends the Transport while it lands. When the plane is safely on the ground, The Wardogs are relieved by the 8492 Squadron.

October 25, 2010: An explosive device hidden in the cargo delivered from Earth is set off, rendering the Arkbird inoperable.

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