Characters of Ace Combat 2

From Electrosphere

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Current revision as of 19:49, 4 October 2007

Characters of Ace Combat 2


[edit] Slash

Real name: John Harverd

Height: 188 cm

Weight: 92 kg

Age: 33

Hobbies: Tuning cars

Favorite Food: Hamburgers

Blood Type: B

Appears to be the same ethnicity of Swordsman in AC5 and Keith in AC3. Slash's planes differ from Edge's in that Slash has better attacker aircraft. While not appearing again in the storyline, he joins Ouroboros in AC3 according to a newscast. A person with the same name appears in AC04, partrolling over Stonehenge; it is quite likely that they are the same person. A crew member of the Arkbird is also named John Harverd.

[edit] Edge

Real name: Kei Nagase

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Age: 20

Hobbies: Motorcycle and Horseback riding

Favorite Food: Ethnic cooking

Favorite Video Games: Tekken 3, Ridge Racer (!)

Blood Type: A

Looks similar to Nagase from the Ridge Racer series and Nagase from AC5. Edge is given better fighter aircraft in AC2. There is a Nagase in AC3, but it may be a different person. There could also be a connection between Nagase from AC2 and AC4. There is a different Kei Nagase in Ace Combat 5.

[edit] The Co-Pilot

No name is given. There is an option for him to be enabled or not. He functions like a co-pilot would in a real aircraft, although he is still around in one-seater planes. He also has the same callsign as the player (Scarface One). Has no involvement in the storyline of any Ace Combat game.

[edit] The Mission Commander

No name is given. He appears giving the breifing for each mission, and is the main source of information about the mission. He has a distinctive southern accent.

[edit] AWACS: Stagecoach

The AWACS of AC2. They don't have a major role, except in Cavalry when they get shot down. The mission consists of protecting the rescue effort of them.

[edit] Z.O.E.

An A.I. program that enabled unmanned control of fighters used by the Rebels. During the coup, it was confirmed that the planes loaded with the Z.O.E. program were the F-14, F/A-18E, F-22, F-15S, and the ADF-01. The planes with the Z.O.E. were painted red to distinguish it from other fighters. This program underwent modifications every time it flew combat and later in the war, the Z.O.E. could perform advanced ACMs such as the Cobra. Z.O.E. can also refer to the Z.O.E. project which created the A.I. program and the ADF-01

There are 5 Z.O.E. Pilots, The Captain (F-14 in Sledgehammer), The Major(F-18E in Seagull), The Colonel (F-22 in Power Play), The General (F-15S in Kingpin), and the Commander (ADF-01 in Fighters Honor).

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