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== The Beginning - (1905 - 1940s) ==
== The Beginning - (1905 - 1940s) ==
In 1905, The Osean Federation entered war for the first time, with the neighboring Principality of [[Belka]]. This war, reffered to as the [[Osean War]], lasted for five years. During this time, Belka, for the first time in Military History, used aircraft as a military weapon. The war ended in 1910, with Osea as the victor.  
In 1905, The [[Osea|Osean Federation]] entered war for the first time, with the neighboring Principality of [[Belka]]. This war, reffered to as the Osean War, lasted for five years. During this time, [[Belka]], for the first time in Military History, used aircraft as a military weapon. The war ended in 1910, with Osea as the victor.  
Later, in the 1940s, Osea entered a second war with Belka. The war ended with no clear victor, but Osea did lose land tp Belka. This land is later known as South Belka and becomes a sort of buffer between the two nations.
Later, in the 1940s, Osea entered a second war with [[Belka]]. The war ended with no clear victor, but Osea did lose land to [[Belka]]. This land is later known as South Belka and becomes a sort of buffer between the two nations.
== Pre-War Musings - (1950s - 1980s) ==
== Pre-War Musings - (1950s - 1980s) ==
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Current revision as of 17:19, 22 December 2007

Official Name: Osean Federation

Location: Center of the Osean Continent

Nation Capital: Oured

First Mentioned: Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War


The Beginning - (1905 - 1940s)

In 1905, The Osean Federation entered war for the first time, with the neighboring Principality of Belka. This war, reffered to as the Osean War, lasted for five years. During this time, Belka, for the first time in Military History, used aircraft as a military weapon. The war ended in 1910, with Osea as the victor.

Later, in the 1940s, Osea entered a second war with Belka. The war ended with no clear victor, but Osea did lose land to Belka. This land is later known as South Belka and becomes a sort of buffer between the two nations.

Pre-War Musings - (1950s - 1980s)

The Osean Federation becomes one of only two superpowers on the planet. A sort of "Cold War" had developed between Osean and the second super power, known as The Union of Yuktobanian Republics. Despite a rival arms race with their neighbor across the sea, due to a sudden development in each nation's Self-Defense Initiative (SDI), both sides would agree to settle the conflict peacefully in the early 1990’s, though their superpower titles were far from relinquished. During this arms race Osea was developing the Arkbird as a deterent.

A democratic federation, Osea maintained an excellent relationship with its patriotic populace. Its enormous land area, rich in natural resources and mineral reserves, is split up into more than 30 separate provinces, though some of that land was released when Belka laid claim to the Great Lakes region of Osea in 1987, which in turn would spark a chain reaction to the events encompassing the Belkan War nearly in 1995. The Osean Federation is fairly self-sustaining, allowing a prospering capitalistic economy and an extremely large middle class.

Osea’s military power is extraordinary, and remains one of the nations most intriguing features. The country operates a diverse multitude of land, air, and naval units, and also exports a great amount of its domestically produced military hardware to other nations. The "Rearmarment Declaration of 1990" came into effect and reformed the entire Osean Military. Which made this military and even more effective force than it was before. Osea maintained the largest all-volunteer military in the western hemisphere, rivaled only by Yuktobania in the east; which had announced it's newest creation known as the Scinfaxi-class Submarine in 1992; a product of Yuktobania's SDI.

Osea maintained alliances throughout the entire continent, which included Sapin, Ustio, Recta, and Gebet. However, the country that Osea maintained the most troubled ties with was the Belkan Federation. Belka was most interested in corporate trading with Osea. Despite being technologically advanced, Belka would often inquire with Osea on the availability of natural resources to feed its growing economy. Osea, looking to recess Belka’s pestering, handed over a small section of land to Belka with claims that it was rich in the natural resources Belka desired. This was however, only partially true. After Belka paid a significately large sum for the disputed area, they were severely disappointed. The land had few useful raw materials, which in turn angered the Belkan Government. Silently brooding over the loss of funds to the purchase of what was effectively worthless land, Belka’s relationship with the Osean Federation began to deteriorate.

The Belkan War - (1988 - 1995)

The Federal Law Review sparked a massive conflict over the political situation with Belka and Osea. Belka would not forget Osea’s fleecing of the nation during their rapid government change. Following a largely ignored massive military build-up, Belka attacked Osea’s eastern borders.

In turn, the Osean Federation was a major military player versus the Belkan Federation during the war in 1995. Belka invaded its northeastern theaters via blitzkrieg on March 25th, enraging the enormous superpower nation and pushing it into defensive military action. Fighting back with ferocity and near ruthlessness, the Osean military subsided the Belkan advance within less than a month, stalemating the threat forces at Area B7R. Unfortunately the same could not be said for the Federation’s allies, who were rapidly overrun and had to rely on hired mercenaries to supplement their dwindling military forces. Whereas the world’s western superpower, Yuktobania, offered mostly logistics and command & control equipment to the war effort, the Osean Federation could commit large amounts of manpower and essential combat equipment to the frontlines, greatly assisting the smaller nations of Ustio and Sapin currently standing off with the invading forces.

The Belkan decision to invade the great superpower of the Osean Federation is seen as an extremely bold move. Despite advancements in combat technology and superb military training, Belka’s military capability in comparison to the Osean Federation is extremely trite. With Belka possessing far smaller numbers and still using near-antiquated military equipment, the Osean Federation military, consisting of advanced air, land, and sea forces, statistically would have the ability to roll over the Belkan forces in a short period of time. However, lapses in military equipment such as the Osean ADEZ coastal laser air defense system would catch the superpower off guard for the Belkan advance.

The most significant contribution of the Osean military to the war effort was embodied in Offensive Campaign No.4101, enacted on April 24th, 1995. The operation’s primary objective was to secure and occupy the Futuro Canal, at the time fully under the control of South Belka. With the completion and deployment of the first combat capable CVN-30 Kestrel-class aircraft carrier, the Osean Navy, with support from Osean Air Force and Allied mercenary fighters, began their own blitz on Belka with the ultimate objective of taking and holding South Belka. This campaign consisted of three simultaneous attacks on the canal, catching the Belkans totally off guard and allowing the rapid advance against the enemy.

With the liberation of the Ustian capital city, Directus, Osea played a major hand in the fall of Strategic Airspace B7R. Despite the Osean Air Force remaining on the defensive until the arrival of the 66th Ustian tactical fighter squadron, the majority of the fighter aircraft taking part in the battle were deployed from the Osean Air Force and Navy. Within hours after the arrival of critical reinforcements, the Allied Forces succeeded in securing B7R, resulting in another massive offensive against the Belkan Federation.

Belka’s loss of B7R was touted as a heavy blow; as Belkan cities began demilitarizing and surrendering to the Allied Forces, the Allied Nations and Belkan officials began discussing the openings of peace talks. But as a final act of defiance toward the Allied Nations, Belkan bombers released seven tactical nuclear warheads on the border between North and South Belka on June 6th, 1995. This scared both sides into submission, but only for a split-moment. Osea continued an advance while Belka pondered seriously over the opening of the peace dialogue. The talks were finally ratified and commenced late in 1995.

Osea proposed many one-sided amendments that Belka unfortunately had no choice but to accept. This included a massive reduction in military power, the immediate withdrawal of all Belkan forces from foreign nations, and the annexation of South Belka to Osean control, which was proven to be the greatest loss Belka has ever sustained. With this annexation also resulted in the loss of Belka’s foremost advanced weapons research and manufacturing corporation, Grunder Industries, and the South Belka Munitions Plant, which supplied 40% of the Belkan military with its essential combat equipment.

These talks resulted in the officially released conclusion of the Belkan War. However, Belka was not through yet. A coup d’etat by senior officers of the Belkan military would extend the conflict for several more months. “A World With No Boundaries” went on to combat the Allied Nations, however by this time, much of the combat missions were handed over to Ustio mercenary forces, which would discover that the Coup included forces from many nations, including Osea.

Transitional Periods - (1996 - 2009)

Though the current Osean government was relatively unhindered by the effects of the war, the country’s populace was in near shock. The nuclear attacks would begin a rabid outcry to fall back from any future military action. Coupled with the oncoming threat of the Ulysses Asteroid, there began a rapid chain of events that would affect the leadership and military of Osea, which would coincide with exorbitant events across the globe. As the USEA tore itself apart in the North Point coup d’etat, Yuktobania began a massive military reformation and government alteration; Osea would find itself with its own decisions to be made.

In early 2001, Osea began restructuring its military, cutting back exponentially on the amount of troops and bases stationed throughout the large country. This would in turn also reorganize the army, navy, and air force into a non-aggressive defense force. The nation’s respective military organizations were effectively reinstated as the Osean Defense Forces, with the Air Defense Force and Naval Defense Force as branches of the new association. This restructuring would finally become complete in late 2006, when a massive cut in the military budget instituted by the newly elected anti-war president Harling, thought greatly opposed by experienced military leaders, would effectively cripple much of the defense force’s ability to react quickly to fast-building threats.

The anti-war stance produced by many liberal leaders in the Federation became a sharp center of media attention and public reception in the early half of the new millennium. This in turn heavily affected the elections of years to come, fully beginning with President Vincent Harling in 2006. A new era set in of civil development. Much of the surplus funds procured from military budget cuts were turned to space exploration, with the development of the McNealy Air Force Base mass driver, Arkbird Space Plane, and the internationally collaborated International Space Station. The Arkbird Space Plane took over the role of the former "Stonehenge" Meteor Interception Cannons, after the Usean Continental War. This was made possible with Yuktobania's Anti-Space Debris Hyper Laser, which it willingly added to the Arkbird. The Arkbird was successful in removing 80% of any Ulysses Fragments which came into earth's vacinity. Usea and Verusea also supported this new space program, along side Yuktobania. In 2008, the Arkbird hosted the the G8 Summit between Anean Nations, Erusea, central Usean Nations, Verusea, Nordland, itself and Yuktobania. The G8 summit was seen as a unified attempt to bring peace to the world by sweeping out any major issues that were on the planet. This meeting eased tensions between Yuktobania and Osea, Erusea and the ISAF, solved the Usean Refugee Dispute problem and instituted the comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

Corporate advances were also beginning to take hold in Osea. With Grunder Industries suffering under it’s new leadership, small upstart aviation companies would earn Osea an excellent new name in the civil aviation market. Employment and stock opportunities were opening up throughout the nation, while its populace felt naturally secure with the Osean Defense Force keeping watch over the eastern lands and much of the main continents enjoying relative peace, with only the occasional uprising being televised by the media. By this time, the generation too young to clearly remember the events of June 7th, 1995, was growing up and prospering relatively well in this peaceful world, with the only glimpse and notion of war being gathered from what was seen on television, to them, war was just an abstract idea; just a show on television. However, as the decade turned over into 2010, that notion would soon be ripped apart.

The Circum Pacific War - (2010)

In early 2010, multiple Naval Vessels of unknown origin are sighted moving across Osea’s Western Coastline. A few days later the Osean ADEZ Air Space Defense System fired upon an SR-71 Blackbird Spy Aircraft, also of unknown origin. The Blackbird began to head West after taking damage, but was intercepted by the 108th TFS ‘War Dog’ Squadron of the Osean Air Defense Force. However, they were unexpectedly intercepted by multiple fighters. The fighters immediately engaged the War Dog Squadron on sight. The 108th TFS engaged, despite their orders to hold fire and shot down the aircraft. This entire engagement was quickly covered up by the Osean Government as they attempted to analyze their current situation.

In that same week, a Vessel was sighted near Sand Island. It had deployed multiple RQ-1 Unmanned Reconnaissance Drones which had scanned the Osean Coastline and were returning back to the ship. The War Dog shot down these escaping drones and were later met by another group of fighters which had come from the same Vector as the Fighters from the first engagement. A second Air Battle had broken out and resulted in the fighters being shot down. The 108th Flight Leader was also shot down in this engagement. The 108th were immediately called back to Sand Island Air Base after an announcement by Yuktobania, which declared open war on Osea.

The Osean Defense Forces were caught completely off guard all across the Western Coast of the Osean Continent. The Osean Marine Defense Force’s Fleets were hit in harbor resulting in a large loss of their Naval War Ships, the Osean Air Defense Force was all, but overwhelmed. Before Osea could recover, Sand Island was also attacked but managed to repel the Yuktobanian Air Strike. Finally, Osea gathered their remaining Aircraft Carriers and attempted to mount a counterattack, but were unexpectedly attacked by an Advanced Yuktobanian Underwater Carrier known as the “Scinfaxi”. The attack resulted in the loss of two Osean Aircraft Carriers, only leaving the OFS Kestrel operational.

Osean President Harling ordered that the Osean Military deploy the Arkbird for the defense of Osea. Despite an attack on the Mass Driver, which delivered the Arkbird’s Heavy Laser Cannon the Arkbird had become operational and supported the 108th TFS as they attempted to fend off a Yuktobanian Amphibious Assault Fleet supported by the Scinfaxi, which was attempting to take Sand Island. After a long battle and many losses on each side the 108th along with the Arkbird managed to destroy the Amphibious Fleet and the Scinfaxi. Aggressions after this operation had ceased, allowing Osea to properly prepare their forces for a full-scale counterattack. Mean while, Osean President Harling attempted to board an unmarked Military Transport and fly to the neutral country of North Point for peace talks, but his aircraft was unexpectedly attacked by Yuktobanian Aircraft and was forced to make a crash landing. President Harling disappeared after this attack. Also, the Arkbird was damaged by unknown agents and was no longer capable of supporting Osean operations.

The Osean Military pushed on and launched Operation Foot Print, which was an amphibious landing on the Yuktobanian mainland. The operation was a success and the Osean Military began their operations in Yuktobanian Territory and attempted to gain the trust of the Yuktobanian people. As the Yuktobanian Military fell back to strengthen their forces, the Osean Air Defense Forces began to shoot down their Air Transport Groups. However, in one operation a Yuktobanian Engineering College was attacked by Osean Aircraft and resulted in the loss of Civilian lives. The 108th TFS was implicated to be the ones who carried out this attack. The War Dog Squadron was ordered to return to Osea and report to Oured, the capital city, for a Military Trial. They implicated that the Osean 8492nd Tactical Fighter Squadron were the ones responsible for the attack, but no such squadron was confirmed to exsist in the Osean Military. An unexpected Yuktobanian attack had occurred very near Oured during their trials and to prove their innocence they were order to help stop these attacks. A Yuktobanian Special Forces Unit had attacked Bana City with Chemical Weapons and Apito International Air Port at almost the sametime. This attack was believed to be a response for the attack on the College in Yuktobania. A hate between the people of Osea and Yuktobania of each other developed and fueled the war.

Osean operations continued to push deeper into Yuktobania. The 108th TFS became known by the Yuktobanians as the “Demons of Razgriz” after an operation which took them into the “Razgriz Straights” of Anea, to engage the second Yuktobanian Scinfaxi-Class Submarine known as the “Hrimfaxi”. The Osean Military was now closing on Cinigrad, the Capital City of Yuktobania. The Yuktobanian Military gathered in the Jilachi Desert and dug in, waiting for the Osean Military to pass through. This engagement was a decisive battle in the war which would pit the full force of each side against one another. The battle was long and hard due to the Desert conditions, but was one thanks to the help of the 108th TFS.

Due to their meritorious service, they were sent back to Osea to perform a fly over at Vice-President Applerouth’s War Rally in November City Stadium. The Rally was unexpectedly interrupted by a Yuktobanian Air Raid aimed at killing the Vice President. The War Dog fought valiantly despite being heavily out numbered attempting to hold until a nearby Osean Air Base could scramble their fighters to support them. As the Osean Fighters headed to November City they were ‘accidentally’ turned back. Though the fighters were recalled the attack was over. The Osean Vice-President escaped, but War Dog Three was killed in action. Immideately after this the 108th were forced back to the frontline to support the attack on Cruik Fortress, the last obstacle in the way of the Osean Military. With the support of the three War Dog pilots the third attempt to break through Cruik was a success. However, Osean Air Force Advisor Captain Hamilton implicated the War Dog pilots to be Yuktobanian spies when the returned to Sand Island and were to be put under arrest. The pilots along with their Flight Crew Mechanic escaped Sand Island with training aircraft. They were pursued by to a near by Aircraft Graveyard and shot down there by a pilot from the OFS Kestrel of the 3rd Osean Fleet.

The War Dog pilots were said to be KIA. The war continued without them and seemed to ground to a halt which was costing each side greatly everyday. Months later President Harling miraculously reappeared in Oured, claming that he had been kidnapped by Belkan Forces and held in Steir Castle, deep within Belka. The Osean Government scrambled to confirm that situation.

Meanwhile, the OFS Kestrel and the remenant of the 3rd Fleet were attempting to go to Yuktobania claiming that they had the missing Yuktobanian Prime Minister Nikanor aboard their Carrier. They were intercepted by a Yuktobanian Battle Fleet, along side an Osean Battle Fleet which were attacking them as traitors. The 3rd Fleet, along with defected ships from the Yuktobanian Fleet managed to destroy both the fleets after launching four unknown Black Aircraft. During the battle it was said that they were known as the “Demons of Razgriz”; this caused rumor among the Osean Military.

On December 30th, 2010 President Harling and Prime Minister Nikanor met in Oured, Osea to hold an emergency press conference. They revealed that the war was not their doing and that operatives from an enemy of the two countries had engineered the entire conflict. They each called for their Troops to stop fighting and bring those who caused this to justice. Grunder Industries in Sudentor was found to be run by a member of “The Grey Men”, the Belkan extremeists which escaped from the Belkan War, fifteen years ago.

Along side the “Ghosts of the Demons of Razgriz” a combined Osean – Yuktobanian Force stormed Grunder’s HQ in order to stop the launch of the completed V2 Super Weapon. During the battle the SOLG, a semi-completed Osean Super Weapon from the last war, finished by Belkan Forces was activated and began to fire down on the advancing Allied Forces. The “Demons of Razgriz”, along with their newly recovered Flight Leader, managed to fly into the Mountain Base’s matinence tunnels and destroy the control panels for the V2 and the SOLG. Along with the base, Captain Hamilton an ex-member of the 8492nd TFS (found to be a Belkan Fighter Squadron) was killed in action. As the Osean and Yuktobanian Forces stood down the SOLG began to descend quickly into the Atmosphere towards Oured. It had been preprogrammed by the Belkans to fall onto Oured if contact was lost from the surface.

The Razgriz intercepted the SOLG 50 miles outside of Oured after an engagement with the Ofnir and Grabacr Belkan Fighter Squadrons. The SOLG was destroyed and the Razgriz disappeared into history after that.

The Circum-Pacific War had ended on the morning of December 31st, 2010.

Post-Circum Pacific War - (2011 – 2045)

After the war Osea had began an investigation in Belka’s actions which had caused the beginning of the Circum-Pacific War. The ties between Yuktobania and Osea had become stronger than ever after this and the two nations began to collaborate more often.

During an Osean Peace Convention in 2013 it was announced that President Harling would give the details behind the Circum-Pacific War and reveal the identities of the 108th TFS War Dog, aka “The Demons of Razgriz” in 2020.

Seven years later The Osean government publicly de-classifies information of the "Ghosts of Razgriz". Along with flight data, mission statements and other military data, personal identities are revealed. The four pilots are named as followed: Kei Nagase (RZ Two), Hans Grimm (RZ Three) Marcus Snow (RZ Four) and the last pilot only known as 'Blaze'. Information of this pilot is extremely sketchy and otherwise inaccurate. One pilot was killed in action when the air raid at November City occurred. His name was Alvin H. Davenport.


Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (the game)

Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War (the game)



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