
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 03:55, 23 October 2006 by (Talk)
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Osiris is a drow, which qualifies him to have black skin with some strange tinge to it that I have yet to put my finger on, as well as white hair which he keeps short. Yellow eye are also included. He dresses as a FF1 style Black Mage; yellow pointed hat, blue robes.


Writing a dramatic backstories for my Mythian characters (those whom originate from Myth City) are hard to do since I alway visualize Mythian being capable of growing up relatively (relative to Myth City) normal lives. But I got one none-the-less. Not dramatic, but here we go.

Osiris grew up in Underdark, an underground province located in the most dangerous place in Myth City, appropiatley deemed Crime Island. But the Underdark is just crawling with drows who are pretty good at keeping riff raff out. So, at a young age, Osiris showed a knack for magic, so the arcane arts to precedence over the rest of his education. When he was of age (13), he had to leave Underdark for a better education in a prestigious academy located near Mad Labs HQ. Here he met Psycrone (more like crashed into), Gabriella (shot at actually) and Richard (well, Rich saved him from being shot and crashed into) since they worked as personal assistants to Mr. Mad, owner of Mad Labs. They became the best of friends. Soon, Osiris graduated the academy and went to work with Mr. Mad in his Magitech Division.


His usual right-off-the-bat abilities are the standard DnD spells for Wizard/Sorcerer. With preparation, however, he can pull other spells out of his ass.

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