
From Egs Mayhem

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Revision as of 11:42, 29 December 2007

Yreomyr is a new-ish bunny, he joined the EGS forums in April 7th 2007 but wasn't very active until October of that year when he began posting his slays. He enjoys reading EGS, slaying EGS, playing City of Heroes, long walks on the beach, and speaking in the third person. After he figures out how to work this wiki thing, he will update up with various things like: his RP characters, his inventory, and maybe take a page out of Tadpole's book and throw a comments section in.


RP characters

These are basically copy/pasted from the TF RP wiki page


Played by yreomyr.

Name(counterpart): Susan

Age: 18

Gender: Female

General appearance: Same as in the comic but with shorter hair, still dyes her hair black

Background: Her full name is Susan Tiffany Pompoms (her mother got to choose the first name this time). Shortly after her trip to france Susan's home reality was attacked by one of the Lords Tedd, unfortunately it was very well organized and the reality fell quickly. After some time Susan's family got the attention of a Lord Tedd, both for their wealth and for her considerable skills. When offered a position in his spy/infiltration network, she (at first) declined, when he imprisoned her parents, she changed her mind and became an reluctant member of his cadre. After some time her skills improved, both in stealth and her weapon use, she has even been honored twice by her Lord Tedd, once by the reception of a coveted hedge-cat, this one was a hedge/puma mix she named Jered, and again by given the knowledge of the uryuomoco language. Both of these are primarily status symbols, but Jered can be used as an attack animal, and she often takes him along on her mission as extra insurance. Now she continues her inter-reality work for Lord Tedd secretly hoping that her next accomplishment will merit her parent's release. On a more personal note, she's a lesbian and is unaware of it, her work leaves her little time to ponder relationships, if she were to encounter the right girl in the right situation though, all bets are off.

Special abilities: katana summoning, skilled in it's use, able to call Jered, speaks uruomoco, and, of course, hammer summoning (though she doesn't use that as much)

Magic: None known yet.

Equipment: Black uryuom battle suit, sound dampener, stasis gun, face obscuring thermal goggles, bomber


Played by yreomyr.

Name(counterpart): Jered (Jeremy)

Age: 2 yrs

Gender: Male

General appearance: He is, roughly, around 8ft/2.4m long nose to tail, weighs, roughly, 200lb/90.7kg, and his fur is of a light sandy color.

Background: Jered was born however hedge-cats are born, presumably from an uryuom egg. He was raised in captivity and was eventually chosen by Susan as her hedge-cat.

Special abilities: Jered is slightly heavier and stronger than a puma, this is due to muscle-mass and the spines. Because of this, he is somewhat slower and cannot jump as high as most pumas. His vertical jump is from 10-25ft/3-7.6m, and his running speed tops out at 28mph/45km/h. Of course this is made up for, in Susan's opinion, by his sheer offensive power by way of strength and his spines.

Equipment: None


Yreomyr make many (perhaps too many) slays, averaging roughly 8 a day. As of this posting he has made 283.

If you ever want to see all his slays, go here often there are a few that he hasn't posted in the forum yet awaiting postage.


I'll update this when I feel like it.


This is where I rip off Tadpole, leave a comment if you want.

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