List of Drayco's Characters

From Egs Mayhem

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The Moogle

Name: (The) Artmoogle. Generally answers to any nicknames made out of that as well. Race: Formerly human, currently an anthromoogle. Height: 4'2"

Appearance: Uhhh... Like this T-shirt and color of pants vary, but more or less that.

Personality: Lazy, but fun and has a fairly short attention span. Likes playing video games, drawing, and eating... and the occasional tormenting of his muse.

Powers: He's a version of a Reality Mage, which basically gives him the ability to create anything he can think up by snapping his fingers. Usually involves blue smoke/clouds. Also tends to have a flair for the flashy. Can also do various other things with his powers, including teleportation (think bamf), transforming his body, and alteration of any inanimate object. He can transform other people as well, only if they are willing to be affected. The exception is Drayco, whom he can change the form of even while not the current physical form. It should be noted that he's a bit of a pacifist, and will never willingly harm other people. However, if he's in danger, Drayco usually takes over if they actually run into serious danger.

Also, he has the secondary issue of having his main "muse" as an entirely separate personality who shares his body. Meaning they have mental conversations, and they can also switch forms. However, the switching of forms is not always willing, and they do tend to argue a bit... or a lot He can, however, will Drayco into an entirely separate body of his own when they become too intolerable of each other.

The "Muse"

Name: Drayco Runir Race: Half-fire dragon, 1/4 human, 1/4 elf Height: 6'2"

Appearance: Like this

Personality: He is the more courageous half of the pair, and tends to be the role of "badass hero". He hates when the Artmoogle screws with his form against his will, but in the end it's all in good fun, though there may be beatings and thrown fireballs inbetween.

Powers: Pyromancy (control of fire, but not the ability to spontaneously create it), as well as all of the standard powers he gets from being a half dragon - breathing fire and sleeping gas, increased strength, enhanced senses, darkvision. Can sprout his wings when needed as well. Carries a weapon in his pouch that has various uses. In its normal state, it resembles a very large sword hilt (~2'6" long) with navy blue wrapping, as if of a double-bladed sword (small crossguards on each end), but has no blades. It has three forms: - Handle separates at the center pommel-like section, and blades form out of the crossguards to form into two katanas. - 180° twist first, then separate the two handles, and it will instead form into a nunchaku with short 5-inch blades on the ends. The chain is made of the same blue-tinted metal that the blades and crossguard are made of. (Maxi in Soul Calibur has a weapon or two that are like this) - Handle can simply be pulled out to extend into a 6' staff, though the crossguards shrink and become more like metal tips.

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