EFiction 2.0.X
From Efiction
Revision as of 20:29, 13 July 2006
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Upgrading from v.1.1
Back up your files and your database before you begin! Replace the files on your server with the 2.0 files EXCEPT for config.php and your dbconfig.php file whereever you placed it. CHMOD the messages folder to 777. CHMOD blocks_config.php, formselect.js and naughtywords.php to 666. Go run upgrade.php, and follow the instructions on the screen.
Brand New Install
1) Following the instructions from your webhost. Create a mySQL database for your site.
2) CHMOD the messages folder to 777. If you intend to write the story texts to the server or allow image uploads also CHMOD the stories folder to 777.
3) Move config.php from the docs/ folder to the main eFiction folder.
4) CHMOD config.php, blocks_config.php, naughtywords.php, formselect.js and the files within the messages folder to 666.
5) Modify data/dbconfig.php with the appropriate MySQL database info, and put outside the web directory.
6) Run install.php to install the tables and set up the admin login.
7) Login with the admin login and password set in step #4, and set your settings.
Common Installation Problems
I am receiving mySQL errors.
If you receiving mySQL errors during or after installation check that the information you supplied in dbconfig.php is correct. You must also create a database for your website before starting the install.
Where are dbconfig.php and config.php?
To prevent users upgrading from eFiction 1.1 from over-writing these files, they have been placed in the docs/ folder. You will need to move config.php to the main eFiction folder and the dbconfig.php to your chosen location before installation.