Mark of Awakened

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Mark of Awakened

This quest is given by An Exiled Droag who is down a climbable wall on the Drednever Crash Site island. It is a lengthy signature quest with a Fabled reward. You must be level 60+ to receive this quest.

  • The first step is to find and read the book of Sacrifice in the Sanctum of the Scaleborn. This is located near the Draconic Forge. You must then harvest an unhatched dragon egg. This is also in the Sanctum of the Scaleborn near 80, 40, -165. After harvesting the egg you must go back to the book and place it on top of it. You can then read the book and get your update.
  • The next step sends you to the Palace of the Awakened in the Barren Sky to find another book. You must first touch the book at -45, 60, -10. You can find the key to unlock it in the library on the first floor. +45, 0, -100.
  • Then you need to find Book of Trials. This is in Upper Halls of Fate in the room with the first locked door. -20, 0, -95. Obtaining it gives a sub-quest to find a fallen adventurer. They can be found and harvested on the ramp in Sothis' room in the Halls of Fate. -5, -55, 270 Return and read the Book of Trails.

You must then complete four trials. A ghost droag will spawn near the enterence of HoF. Speak to him and activate the orb he spawns

  • Trial of Alacrity: Invis to the last room and clear it. This initiates a ring event. At the end of the ring event is a named mob who will complete the trial.
  • Trial of Endurance: In this trial make your way down until you see a blue column. There will be spawns of level 4x 68 ^ mobs. Clear these for approx 15-20 rounds and eventually 3 named mobs will then spawn up above. The first wave is 3 68 ^^ mobs. Kill these and a named 71^^^ will spawn up top near the door. Kill him to complete the trial.
  • Trial of Spirit: This is a solo task, similar to the Trial of Harclave. Click the statue and you will be turned into a dragon. Clear the mobs in the room to initiate a ring event. At the end a 70 ^^ dragon will spawn. Kill him to complete the trial.
  • Trial of Leadership: This is an epic x 4 epic raid instance.

How To:Trial

A basic walkthrough of the Trial of Leadership. How to turn a 3 hour raid in to a 30 minute raid.

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