Lyceum of Abhorrance

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Revision as of 04:28, 15 August 2006 by Sturmhammer (Talk)
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Trash Mobs

Trash mobs can Drop buffs on tank and do decent amount of damage. Can drop relic.

Essence of Fear

Lvl; 73 x4
Approx HP; 2,060,000
Auto Attack Damage; Crushing
Spell Damage Types; Magic
Resists; N/A
CA / Spell Breakdown

  • Fear's Grasp AOE (within range) Magic ~30 sec recast. Minor power drain, fear, and snare. 5 second duration. Seemed only to cast for first 50%
  • Pulse of Fear AOE (within range) Magic ~20 sec recast. Fear, cast every 20 seconds, may speed up as he gets lower in health.

Special Note If pulled away from the Orbs at each coner of the room he spawns in, it seems to deminish both the duration and strength of his fears.

Vilucidae the Priest of Thule


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