Buff / Debuff Breakdown

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Buff / Debuff Breakdown

Cut and pasted from Silentchord's post. Incomplete database. Fill ins are necessary. Please include durations and targets. Debuffs are single indent, no numbers. Buffs are single indent with numbers.





Shadow Knight





  • Damage Base (DISEASE)
    • Tavern's: Debuff, Single, Defense (33?). Duration 24 seconds. Unresistable.
    • Verlien's: Debuff, Single, (DISEASE) resist drops 2000 (can't remember the exact number off hand for now) for 24 seconds. Unresistable.
    • Daro's: Debuff, Encounter, drops Attack Speed by 25%. Resistable. Duration 60 seconds.
    • Clara's: Debuff, Encounter, drops Phy Mit by 1056. Resistable. Duration 60 seconds.
    • Garsin's: Debuff, Single, Melee based debuff, stealth, debuffs Wisdom by about 70-80ish, 10 seconds
    • Shriek: Debuff, Single, Melee based Debuff, Flank, Debuffs melee DPS by about (35%?)
    • Discante: Debuff, Encounter, AGI & STR drop around 120. Resistable. Duration 60 seconds. Both Dirges/Troubs have this ability.
  1. Bria's: Buff, Group, increases power regen by 41 (Adept III, need Master I numbers). Both Dirges/Troubs have this ability.
  2. Tomb's: Buff, Group, adds melee based 12% proc, (DISEASE) damage about 250-300ish.
  3. Noxious: Buff, Group, raises (POISON)/(DISEASE) Resists about 1000.
  4. Hyran's: Buff, Single (Groupped), Raises STR (80ish?) increases hate per action by (40ish%?).
  5. Riana's: Buff, Group, Increases DPS by about (30%?)
  6. Harl's: Buff, Group, Increases STR and AGI by about (82). Partical Stack (STR does not stack) with Troubs version (what's it's name).
  7. Elusion: Buff, Group, increases parry (38?)
  8. Boon: Buff, Group, increases melee skills by 28. (Makes lvl 70 players have the chance to land a melee attack as if they where almost a lvl 76 player)
  9. Percussion of Stone(PoS): Buff, Group, 12% chance of procing on group member when group member is struck by melee. Next attack is blocked, regardless of amount of damage of attack. Multiple hits with the same attack is counted as one attack, ie. an ablity that hit's it's target 5 times will be blocked 5 times. (Note: Dirges BTW get agro due to the Ward so be careful on a pull or the dirge could get floored). (Note: PoS proc will also break a stealthed Dirge, so no pulling when the dirge is scouting, m'kay).
  10. Cacophony of Blades(CoB): Buff, Group, Haste (52%), all Melee Based Attacks(including melee based abilities) have an added 70-100 (DISEASE) damaged added per each hit. Every melee hit adds an interupt. Duration 12 Seconds. Recast 60 Seconds. (On a side note it should be noted that CoB will also work with group connected Pets, So Pet classes will also benefit from the added DPS. So when fighting mobs that require you to stay away or be floored, have a Dirge in a Group of Pet Casters so the Dirge can still use his CoB.)(CoB damage is also based off of the Dirges STR, A good tactic is to cast the STR buff on the Dirge to get him close to the STR Cap since that will in turn increase everyone elses Damage)
  11. Elegy: Utility Rez. Two versions, one is a single player rez, the other a targetable group rez. Raid friendly.








Defiler buffs and debuffs: Defilers are disease and poison based.

Group Buffs:

Malevolent Efflux (master 1): -Group aoe -Increases maximum health by 321 -Increases mitigation vs poison by 928 -Increases mitigation vs disease by 1160

Rapacity (adept 3, never seen master): -Group aoe -Increases strength by 66 -Increases max health by 582

Abhorrent Shroud (master 1): -Group aoe -Increases mitigation vs physical by 732 -Regerative ward vs all magical by 241

Self/tank buffs:

Portent (master 1): -Target must be grouped -Increases maximum health by 964 -Increases maximum power by 492

Tendrils of horror (master 1): -Target must be grouped -When melee damage done to the tank, 8% chance to: -Decrease DPS by 37% -Decrease attack speed by 26% (this goes for ANY mob hitting the tank)

Dire invective (master 1): -Target must be grouped -On a successful attack, 10% chance to: -99 damage every 4 seconds -80% of power used is drained from health (they hurt themselves by casting at us)


Bane of protection (master 1): -placed on enemy -Duration: 1 minute 12seconds; recast is 9 seconds -10% chance to cast a ward for 688 on target of attack -Can be an out of group target (can do one target at a time, but fast enough to get on more then one mob)

Malignancy (master 1): -Duration: 36 seconds, recast is 20 seconds -Decreases ALL attributes of enemy by 32%

Abasement (master 1): -Duration: 36 seconds, recast is 10 seconds -Decreases attack speed by 27% -Decreases DPS by 19.2%

Abbhorrent Seal (master 1): -Duration: 1 minute, 12 seconds -Decreases strength, agility, and wisdom by 76 (Can only be held on one target at a time)

Umbral tap (adept 3, bloodlines spell, master doesn't exist): -Duration: 1 minute 12 seconds, recast is 30 seconds -Decreases DPS by 16.5%, it DOES stack with my other spells.

Crystalize Spirit (master 1): -Duration: 30 seconds, recast is 10 seconds -When enemy is healed, 50% chance to do 456-557 damage. -Upon death of target, casts me a crystalized spirit stone (the heal token) Item is tradeable.

Dot spells that have debuffs:

Caliginous corruption (adept 3): -Duration: 18 seconds, recast is 20 seconds -Decreases mitigation on GROUP encounter vs disease and poison by 840

Putrefy (master 1): -Duration: 24 seconds, recast is 8 seconds -Decreases wisdom by 126 (fast cast, can be put on a few targets)

Fulginous domination (master 1): -Duration: 16 seconds, recast is 15 seconds -Decreases DPS by 13.2%

Ruinous Anathema (adept 3): -Duration: 10 seconds, recast is 8 seconds -Decreases mitigation vs disease and poison by 826

Pet stuff

Aura of haste: -Group aoe -16% haste increase, stays on

Aura of warding: -Group aoe -10% chance on successful melee attack to cast a ward for 445 to each person.

Spiritual foresight: -Duration: 5 seconds, recast is 5 seconds -20% chance to make the group(aoe) aoe immune -Except for when direct

others are dps increases for the wolf.

Other Stuff:

Ritual: -12 seconds with 37.5% more to my heals (often hitting around 2100 GROUP heal, one minute recast)

Cures: -Group trauma/noxious - recast is 20 seconds -GROUP stun/stifle cure WHILE stunned or stifled (2 minute recast) -All other cures in single target

Maelstrom (MASTER 1): -Duration: 36 seconds, recast is 2 minutes 30 seconds -Heals group members aoe 384-470 every 6 seconds -Power feeds group members aoe 64-78 every 6 seconds -Power/health that is fed to group is taken from the encounters. -Defiler is rooted, and stifled for the duration. (Can still control pet, melee, and use manastone/hat) -Even after combat

Totals: -Up to 85.9% DPS of enemies dropped -Up to 53% speed of enemies dropped -Group health increase by 903 -Self/tank health increase by 1867


  • Damage Base (COLD)/(DISEASE)


Umbral Mettle (Master 1): Buff, Group, Increase HP 321, Mit (DISEASE): 928, Mit (POISON): 1160

Runic Aegis (Master I): Buff, Group, Increase Phys Mit: 732 Phy Ward: 120, (Note: Every time you are hit with piercing, slashing, bashing, etc, 120 points of the damage will immediatly be warded in addition to any other wards that may be running. This ward constantly regenerates and exists for each group member.)

Spirit of the Mammoth (Adept III): Buff, Group, increases STR and STA: 66.

Foretelling (Master I): Buff, Single, Group, max HP: 643, max PP: 738

Ancient Avatar (Master II): Buff, Single (Groupped), increases AGI, STR, and STA: 79. What is the STA:HP ratio? Is it 2 HP for each STA added?

Bolster (Master I): Buff, Single (Raid), Increases all attributes by 20%, max HP by 20%, and enlarges the target by 54%. Note: Mystics usually watch for when it drops and take turns casting it. 36 second duration and 2 minute recast.


Wail of the Ancients (Master I): Debuff, Encounter, Decreases stamina: 128, decreases Mit (FIRE),(COLD),(POISON),(DISEASE): 1088. Duration: 1 minute 12 seconds

Lethargy (Master I): Debuff, Encounter, Decreases attack speed 26% Duration: 36 seconds

Lamenting Soul (Master I): Debuff, Single, Decreases DPS: 39%. Duration: 1 minute 12 seconds

Shrieking Haze (Master I): Debuff, Single, Decreases attack speed: 27%, decreases crushing, slashing and piercing: 15.8 (3 Skill levels). Duration: 36 seconds

Eidolon (Master 1): Debuff, Single, Decrease STR and STA 100. Duration: 36 seconds

Mystic AAs: Dog Buffs and Debuffs

Spiritual Foresight: Buff, Pet, prevents AOE (unless direct), and on each successful melee attack has a 20% chance to cast Spiritual Foresight on the dog's group which will prevent AOE for them for 5 seconds. If the dog is able to hit the target, the proc happens fairly often. However, dog is not always able to consistently hit targets of level higher than 72.

Aura of Warding: Buff, Pet, Successful melee attack this spell has a 24% chance to ward each of the dog's group members against 445 points of all damage. This ward stacks with any other wards already in place and last for 30 seconds or until the ward has been used up.

Virulence: Buff, Pet, Successful melee attack, this spell casts virulence on the mob for 24 seconds which decreases all attributes by 7.5% and stacks with other debuffs. The dog will also cast this spell if he is attacked.

Aura of Haste: Buff, Pet, Attack speed of group up 8%. It's always on.

Immunities: Buff, Pet, increases dog's magical damage mit by 4200 and the magical damage mit of his group by 801.




  • Damage Base HEAT, COLD, DIVINE
    • Barberous Intimidation (Master I), Debuff, decreases AGI and WIS by 80, Duration (36 sec)
    • Maddening Swarm (Master I), Debuff, Interupts Target encounter, Decreases Disruption, Ordination, Minustration, Subjugation and Focus of target encounter by 35. Duration (36 sec)
  1. Primal Spirit (Adept III): Buff, Group, Increases INT and WIS by 66
  2. Carnal Mask (Master I): Buff, Group, Increases In-Combat HP Regen by 82 and MIT Vs. all Pysical Damage by 732
  3. Spirit of the Hunt (Master I): Buff, Increases groups HP max by 321 ,Cold MIT by 928 and Heat MIT by 1160
  4. Ferine Vim (Adept III): Buff, Single, Increases INT by 95 and max power by 646
  5. Spirit of the Bat (Adept III): Buff, Single, (Bloodlines Spel) Increases AGI 18.9 In-Combat Pow regen by 9.4 and Max Pow by 98
  6. Agitate (Master I): Buff, Single, Increses STR and AGI by 85 has a 10% chance to proc Battle Fury, Increases DPS and ATK spd by 57%
  7. Spineskin (Master I): Buff, Single, when target is damaged does 35-44 piercing damage to target encounter.
  8. Urchin (Master I):Buff, Single, Increases MIT vs. all damage by 2240 applies Porcupine Quills when Target is damaged ,does 298 devine damage to Targets attacker for every melee hit done. (Stuns Caster), Duration (36 secs)









  • Necromancer: Damage Base (POISON)/(DISEASE)
    • Drawing of Souls (Adept III): Debuff, (Single), Decreases Int and Str by 57. Duration 72 seconds
    • Loathsome Mark (M1): Debuff, (Single), Decreases Wis and Sta by 84. Duration 72 Seconds.
    • Swarm of Bats (Adept III) : Debuff, Single, Decrease Defense 14.7. Pierce DoT, Duration 24 Seconds
    • Assassin pet (Adept III) - Throat Gash (Adept III): Debuff CA, Pet, Decreases Wis and Agi of target by 77. Duration 24 sec
  1. Favor of the Infernal (M1): Buff, Group, Increase power by 576, Mit (POISON) 806, (DISEASE) 1008.
  2. Teachings of the Underworld (M1): Buff, Group, Increase STA & INT 85.
  3. Unstoppable Soul (Adept III): Buff, Single(Raid), Increases max health of target by 14.4%. Increases Phys Mit (I don't have this number at the moment). Duration 30 seconds. (Note: Unstoppable Soul stacks with Bolster and Urchane)
  4. Flayer's Soul (Adept III): Buff, Single(Raid), Increases Max Power of target by 14.0%. Increases Sub, All Melee skills, Disruption and Ordination by 22. Duration 30 seconds.
  5. Necromantic Brand (M1): Buff, Pet, 25% Proc, Target Mit decreases (POISON)/(DISEASE) 1120. Duration 20 seconds.

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