A Star to Unlock
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Revision as of 11:55, 27 August 2006 by Nainitsuj S'Klaw (Talk)
A Star to Unlock
This quest begins by inspecting the disassembled star key given to you in the previous quest
- Go up to the third floor and enter the north alcove which is protected by a magical barrier. Destoy the heroic books which circle the room to open the barrier. On the middle hanging bookcase, second shelf from the bottom, right hand side you can right click some of the books to find the information you need.
- Now you need to gather bits and peices from around the workshop on the third floor. This is the room just below the climb up to the droag who guard the dragon.
- Six sprockets. These can be harvested from the pile of sprockets
- Two small sprockets. Kill the Blacktalon tinkerers in the room.
- Kill Warden Skalarr
- Kill a Blacktalon taskmaster
- Once you have these updates, use the workbench in the same room to make the key. *Inspect the key in your inventory.
- Return to the second floor and go to the tan maiden statues. Examine them both. One of the maidens should give you an update, after which you should examine the other one.
- You need to find a place to use the "A" dragon key. This key can be used to open the large tome on the floor in the barrier protected alcove you were in on step 1. It is possible to inspect the tome even if the barrier is up.
- Now find four shipwrecked clear crystals. These are harvests that can be found in the six large birdbaths throughout the zone. They are small and difficult to target but have a bright particle effect that can be seen from a distance. There are bird baths in the hallways leading from the central part of the zone to both dragons on the third and fourth floor. There are also three bird baths in the east wing of the first floor. You can get to this wing by using the doorway to the south of the waterfall room. When harvested, these crystals repop in a different location. Visiting all six birdbaths should get you four crystals.
- To fill the crystals you need to:
- Kill Naar'Yora defenders to get four common updates. These can be found near the Enmity of Narr'Yora.
- Kill The Ironfang Vanguard. This giant metal snake pops between the wall down from the fourth floor and the wall up to the large room with the Naar'Yora defenders. The placeholders are the Naar'Yora scholars in the two side rooms and between the climbable walls. The respawn time is 20 minutes.
- Now you must take these defender filled crystals and place them in the circle in the deliberation chamber. This is the room with the Blacktalon summoners and the fiery occlusions.
- Kill Advisor Soliddar. He spawns in the circle on the non-climbable side of the wall. If he spawns he will be surrounded by four heroic elementals. These are all seperate encounters so it is best to pull one or two out of the way before killing the Advisor. The respawn time is 20 minutes and a Blacktalon summoner is his placeholder.
- The First Shard of Aaryonar, a small ghostly dragon, will spawn after killing the Advisor. Speak to it to complete the quest.
The next quest is 6 O'Flock High