How To:Chel'Drak

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How To: Chel'Drak

So you think you're ready for Gamera? You enter the Antechamber of Fate, make your way to Gamera and charge in full speed. WHAM! Your raid force is dead. What the hell happened? Here's what. You thought the fight was a fair one. Well you're wrong. By entering the room you triggered Gamera's AoE. The loligagers were teleported under Chel'Drak and the rest of you suffered from one hell of an initial AoE. "Please sir, educate us" you say? Alright. This fight is the Three Princes combined with a typical dragon mob. It's a slow burn. Roughly 7 minutes.

Information you need to Know

DO NOT TRY TO MOVE YOUR CAMERA AROUND ONCE YOU ZONE IN! Make sure you have water breathing on. Stay in / under the water until the MT says you can move.

EACH ARCHITYPE NEEDS TO MAKE A SPECIFIC TARGET MACRO These whores have to die in 20 seconds. For fighters it's "a shadowy warrior". For priests it's "a shadowy acoloyte". For scouts it's "a shadowy thief". For mages it's "a shadowy sorcerer". So, write the macro /target XXX. When you hear that your archi. spawned, hit that macro and burn the f*cker down. The only ones who will not be switching targets is the MT group.

DO NOT TRY TO MOVE YOUR CAMERA AROUND ONCE YOU ZONE IN! This is like Deathtoll, but with a lockout. Clicking will port you out and your night is done.

GET READY! You are going to need a MT, MA and a third. MT fights Chel'drak. MA tanks all adds. Runner picks up the stomp skeletons and brings them to the MA. Everyone targets the MA. The MA will swap between the adds and Chel'drak. When the adds are up, MA targets the adds. When they die, the MA targets Chel'drak.

EVERYONE MUST BE ON TOP OF EACH OTHER. ONLY THE RUNNER MOVES Don't F*CKING move! Stay at range. The closer you are to Gamera the more damage you take from the AoEs. If you're clumped together you're guaranteed to be healed.

NO SLACKING ON THE ARCHITYPE ADDS You will see why when you do.

Three Prince Portion

Chel'Drak will spawn some friendly shadows. They really like people. These shadows will be either fighter, mage, scout or priest. If you use a fighter to tank the scout shadow, that fighter is F*cked!. Much like the Three Princes, the shadows have an attack that will do 10 to 12k damage on a hit. Only that architipe is immune to this attack.

But! It gets better! Only that Architype can damage that shadow. Putting an assassin on the mage skeleton is a waste of power.

Special note on Pets - Pets are flagged just like NPC in the cases of classes. They will have immunity corresponding to the type of class they are. Wolves are animal. They will not be immune to any of the attacks.

Now.. why these are so dangerous if they're left up for more than 20 seconds.

Thief - He will 1 shot (25k unresistable, unmitigated, unblockable, un.. you get the picture) the person who has the most hate vs Chel'drak. In other words he will 1 shot your MT.

Healer - Will heal Chel'drak for the amout of health it has left. So, if the healer add was at 35% health Chel'drak has been healed for 35% of it's max health.

Warrior - Will super taunt the entire raid. Everyone will be targeting the warrior until it dies

Sorc. - Will super nuke the raid.

His other Adds

They spawn when he uses Stomp. Two of them. They taunt. Their taunt sucks. Use an off tank to burn these f*ckers down.


It's the standard "port under the dragon" teleport. You are given roughly 5 seconds to enter the room once combat starts. If you are ported, grab a soda and watch the fight. Odds are you won't be getting a rez any time soon. With Chel'Drak stomping his feet, it's better if you're left dead. You'll have armor.

Chel'Drak Himself

When you first enter the room roughly 10 seconds later Chel'Drak will unleash one hell of an AoE. It may one shot a few members of your raid. However it is avoidable. You can bladedance on entering the room or just stay at a range of ... 25 to 35.

You can do 3 things. Have your MT group ninja in to position (crouch walk tight against the wall) then the rest charge in when the MT says so. Have your whole force ninja in (someone always messes this up) or everyone charge in.

Have the MT pull Chel'drak to the right bottom corner. Have your raid stand in the left bottom corner.

It's a slow burn. Keep swapping from Chel'drak to the adds. Use wurmslayer if you've got it.

The Room Layout

I promise. Once I find a map of the room, I'll have it up with spawn / trap locations and safe areas to avoid the super powers of Gamera.

Nainitsuj S'Klaw

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