How To:Harla'Dar
From Ecodex
Current revision as of 16:59, 10 March 2007
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How To: Harla'Dar
At First Glance
She's a unique dragon. The lore for most of the dragons in EQ suggests that the dragons are hermits. They will keep servants in their layer. However they keep their personal chambers free of other living things. Harla'Dar has surrounded herself with a lot of strong servants. She will call them to aid her if she is threatened.
The prefight
You're probably saying "Holy hell.. we can't take on all those adds at once" And you're right. You were never supposed to fight all those adds and Harla'Dar at the same time. What you want to do is clear the instance of adds then fight Harla. But wait! Before you start going willy nilly on the mobs, the mobs respawn. And some respawn faster than others. Here's the order in which you want to kill these mobs.
- Lizards
- Drakotas on the lower floor
- Droags
- Drakotas on the upper floor.
The best way to do this, Pull a lizard, get it down to 10% health, tell everyone to stop attacking and pull another lizard. Keep doing this until your raid force can't handle any more adds (usually 6 lizards). Now, you're probably thinking "We don't have enough power to do this" Well, you do. If you yell. That's right. Yell every encounter you start with the exception of Harla'Dar. Now, once you have as many mobs as you can handle, burn them all down fast. And watch the clock. Announce to the raid when the first mob dies. Those mobs will respawn a half hour later.
The Main Event
It's that time. The best way to fight Harla'Dar is .. Have your raid force on the bottom floor, near the doors. Send your uber monk tank to the top. Have him do a Tsunami pull and jump down to your raid. From there you just need to burn her down as fast as possible. If you were fast enough you'll have 0 adds to deal with.
Make sure your cold and magic resists are as high as possible. You'll need someone who can group cure both in each raid group.
Summary Recap
- Pull Lizards - Get as many as you can handle at once and bitch slap them.
- Yell all the encounters. You preserve health and power
- Watch the clock. All the mobs will respawn. If they respawn while you're fighting Harla'Dar, they will add
- Yell all the encounters. You preserve health and power
- Pull Drakotas on the lower floor
- Keep yelling
- Announce how much time has passed
- Keep yelling
- Pull Droags
- Keep yelling
- Continue announcing the time
- Keep yelling
- Pull Drakotas on the top floor
- Keep yelling
- Report the time
- Keep yelling
- Get to the bottom floor
- Leave the monk at the top. Have him Tsunami pull Harla'Dar to the raid force at the bottom floor.
- Do NOT yell the Harla'Dar encounter
- Announce how much time has passed before the pull.
- If you die, respawn and rejoin the battle as soon as possible
- Announce how much time has passed before the pull.
- Do NOT yell the Harla'Dar encounter
- Leave the monk at the top. Have him Tsunami pull Harla'Dar to the raid force at the bottom floor.