Tarinax the Destroyer

From Ecodex

(Difference between revisions)
Nainitsuj S'Klaw (Talk)
(The Rules of the Fight)

Current revision as of 19:45, 9 December 2006



How To: Tarinax

Well, this is a fun fight. EVERYONE IN THE POOL! Tanks should all stand on top of each other by the rocks while everyone else stands on top of each other in the approx. location of the rib cage. Doing this limits who is hit by the aoe.

The Rules of the Fight

NO PETS! None. What so ever. For every dead thing when the aoe hits 2 adds spawn. (Undead tide + T'nax's aoe = wiped raid)
DO NOT LEAVE A PERSON DOWN! For every dead thing when the aoe hits 2 adds spawn.
YOU MUST CURE HIS AOE! It will pwn you in the face.

The Pull

This is fun and easy. We use a pet class to pull. Have the summoner stand outside of the pool, send pet in and run to the tanks. Once T'nax shows up, the summoner moves to group 2.

The Fight

So, everyone is in the pool and T'nax is pulled. Designate a MA. Have him cycle from T'nax to the adds. ALL DPS should be on the MA. Burn those F'ing adds down. All healers should be on MT. Keep him UP! When T'nax dumps hate on someone else, they must move to to the tank pile. This keeps the Frontal from hitting everyone else and lets the MT take T'nax back easier. It's an extreamly easy fight. The blob dragon is harder.

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