The Clockwork Menace

From Ecodex

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(In the Zone)
(The Main Fight)
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#Attack the patrolling guard and pull him in to the main room.   
#Attack the patrolling guard and pull him in to the main room.   
#The area looks something like this.  Pull the mob over the coal pile in to the top right corner.  This is where the fight will take place.  There is a ledge to protect against the knock back/up and it's pretty far from the pops.
#The area looks something like this.  Pull the mob over the coal pile in to the top right corner.  This is where the fight will take place.  There is a ledge to protect against the knock back/up and it's pretty far from the pops.
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#Once he starts his charge, have everyone that is not in the MT group run along the wall to the opposite side of the coal pile.  Stand on or near it while CWM is in the corner.  If everyone moved fast enough, they won't be hit by his first tail swipe.
#Once he starts his charge, have everyone that is not in the MT group run along the wall to the opposite side of the coal pile.  Stand on or near it while CWM is in the corner.  If everyone moved fast enough, they won't be hit by his first tail swipe.
#The MT must keep CWM facing in to the corner.  This will prevent the tail swipe from hitting the raid.
#The MT must keep CWM facing in to the corner.  This will prevent the tail swipe from hitting the raid.
#Depending on what you've killed, CWM could have a knock up, massive stun, massive AoE or ...  But yah, If you kill the 2 robots on the left side the fight becomes very easy.
=The Spawns=
=The Spawns=

Current revision as of 23:06, 11 March 2007


The zone

It's located at the back of Klak'Anon, past the waterfall thing. To enter the zone you need a key. The key drops off a ring event. The ring event respawns every 2 hours.

In the Zone

There is a small hall way leading to the main fight area. There is a single robot patrolling this hallway. There is a gate at the end of the hallway that will lock after a set amount of time upon it's opening.

  1. Attack the patrolling guard and pull him in to the main room.


  1. The area looks something like this. Pull the mob over the coal pile in to the top right corner. This is where the fight will take place. There is a ledge to protect against the knock back/up and it's pretty far from the pops.

The Pre-fight

Once the first guard is killed, the raid will have 8 minutes to finnish killing the rest before CWM spawns.

  1. A second group of mobs will spawn. Burn them down.
  2. Then a third group. Burn them down as well. HOWEVER! At 7% to 5% have your raid force use AoE blocking signets or have a bard in each group use bladedance.
  3. A named will spawn and instantly cast everyone's favorite head exploding spell. It goes off at 40% like the Black Witch. Have your MT group fight the named and have everyone else killing the spiders. If the spiders are left up for too long, they will self-destruct for a lot of damage.

The Choices

There are 4 inactive mobs around CWM. You can only activate 2 of the 4 to kill them.

  1. While looking at CWM, Send a monk to the left side. Have him activate either of the 2 robots on that side (Doesn't matter which order, you'll be killing both hopefully)
  2. Burn them down as you only have about 4 minutes left.

The Main Fight

The second the second named dies or 8 minutes is up, Chel'Drak ... CWM will come running off his platform for your raid.

  1. Make sure your entire raid is in that corner when he begins to move.
  2. Once he starts his charge, have everyone that is not in the MT group run along the wall to the opposite side of the coal pile. Stand on or near it while CWM is in the corner. If everyone moved fast enough, they won't be hit by his first tail swipe.
  3. The MT must keep CWM facing in to the corner. This will prevent the tail swipe from hitting the raid.
  4. Depending on what you've killed, CWM could have a knock up, massive stun, massive AoE or ... But yah, If you kill the 2 robots on the left side the fight becomes very easy.

The Spawns

  1. The fun part begins. Designate a MA. He's super important. Have all DPS on him.
  2. There are 3 spawn points. Two beside the platform (When facing it, the right side and left side) and on the coal pile.
  3. Have a few people facing away from the raid, towards the platform. On each side of the platform 4 70^^^ linked mobs will spawn.
  4. The order they spawn is Right side, Left side, Coal pile.
  5. These must never be allowed to reach CWM. If they do they will heal him to full health.
  6. When the adds are down, have the MA switch to CWM and let the burn resume.
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