Official Graphic Novels

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Available on the Heroes page at after each episode, these comics show short stories about a different main character in each issue. There is also a hidden easter egg in each issue.

The Comics

Issue 1: Monsters

Main Character: Mohinder Suresh
Story by: Aron Coleite
Art by: Michael Turner & Koi Turnbull
Summary: Offers background information on Mohinder Suresh, his father's death, and Mr. Bennet, the "Horn Rimmed Glasses" man following him.
Easter Egg: line art for "The Crane"

Issue 2: The Crane

Main Character: Hiro Nakamura
Story by: Aron Coleite
Art by: Micah Gunnell
Summary: Offers some background on Hiro Nakamura, who was named by his grandfather as a reminder of Hiroshima. Hiro, believing that he has done a great disservice, makes an origami crane out of the cover leaf for Action Comics #1, the comic book in which Superman debuted. Continued from Don't Look Back.
Easter Egg: line art for "Trial By Fire"

Issue 3: Trial By Fire

Main Character: Nathan Petrelli
Story by: Chuck Kim
Art by: Marcus To
Summary: Nathan Petrelli comes to terms with his power and saves a woman (who was going to vote for Nathan's opponent) from a burning building.
Easter Egg: Nathan Petrelli campaign video

Issue 4: Aftermath

Main Character: Claire Bennet
Story by: Joe Pokaski
Art by: Micah Gunnell
Summary:The character Claire Bennet saves Brody Mitchum from his burning car (the gas tank broke and a live wire sparked the fire), and still wishes for a normal life, but Brody apparently discovers her power. Continued from Collision.
Easter Egg: Claire Bennet's MySpace page

External Links

Official Graphic Novels Site

Easter Egg Links

  1. Line art for "The Crane"
  2. Line art for "Trial By Fire"
  3. Nathan Petrelli's campaign video
  4. Claire Bennet's MySpace page
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