Engineering pad
Eagle House = 408/449-9039
Engineering pad is paper ruled in squares; a form of what is commonly known as graph paper. It is available in most large stationery and office supply stores and from several online retailers, usually for less than 5¢ per sheet. As usual, it's better to buy in larger quantities.
While we provide here an imitation or simulation of engineering pad, which you may print and use, the real thing has significant advantages. Engineering pad is printed on thin, light green or tan paper. The quadrille itself is printed on the reverse of each sheet; only the margin lines are printed on the front. So, the grid lines show through while you are working -- but not obtrusively. You can follow or ignore them, exactly as you please.
College students are often required to turn in work on engineering pad. It is a convenient and legible format, so why not start today?
Younger students may have slightly different requirements. So, we offer two versions of grade school engineering pad, with wider margins and larger quadrille. We prefer the 1 cm grid; those who want to work in conventional units may prefer the 1/2 in grid.
The thumbnail images you see on your screen here are worthless except for reference. Download and print high-resolution images by following the links directly below each thumb.
Each high-res image is 8-1/2 x 11 in @ 300 dpi. When printing, be sure to set your output resolution to 300 dpi and orientation to portrait. Most home inkjet printers are unable to print all the way out to the edge of the paper and you will see a message telling you that the image will not fit. Ignore the message or, if offered, choose to crop. You will gain a small margin without inconvenience. We recommend you do not scale the image; this will produce a grid of unpredictable size and you will still have margins.