From Dutch West
Feel free to add your favorite quote here! They will go on the front page right under the header for all to see so grab some good ones!
Quote Me, Baby!
Quote of the Day
"I like rooks cuz they're like... on the edge. And that's where I am." - Simon Fishel, 'Chess Bus'
"Not even your fucking mother!"(eats a marshmellow off a stick) - Claw
"I fucked Chuck Norris star of Sideways and Paul Giovani star of Sidekicks" - Old Man Josh, 'Old Men and Leftovers'
"...and I'm not just like, happy gay. I'm like 'spit-on-the-hand-put-it-up-the-butt' gay." - Pre-Zombie Ted, 'Surprise Party'
"Fuck him up, Dunc! Fuck. Him. Up." - Kevin Lawler, 'The Duncan Project'
"I birthed him out of my feminine vagina" - Arta Fishel, 'Chess Bus'
"What Smallworth failed to realize is that Vietnam War movies just weren't 1896." - Oliver St. Croix, 'A History of Film'
"It doesn't come off, you prick. Now turn to page 2." - Sammy, 'Chimney Sweeps'
"Charles Fucking Grodin! Now that I remember I feel like such a douche bag!" -Gay Assassins
"You want me to fuck you?" -Elaine in 'ARMY'
"I got my human stain all over Sting in Spain" - Old Men Sam, 'Old Men and Leftovers'
"You chased me down the street with a SWORD, Joe!" - Walter, 'Billie Sue'
Fan-added Quotes