A Duarmistanis Favorite Things

From Duarmistan

Revision as of 11:07, 29 December 2016 by (Talk)
  • Girls wearing Catholic school uniforms
  • Girls soiling themselves
  • Girls wearing soiled Catholic school uniforms
  • Pederasto. Good for the soul.

I am the same as user "Priheist" who was banned by pathetic shitstains for expressing an opinion that in no way contradicts the spirit of socialism. I have returned and will return as many times as they I feel like without you doing anything about it. (What'll you threaten, calling the pigs on me?)

Apparently I was banned for being a "Nazi" which is not true in the slightest bit. Nazism is not the most evil ideology imaginable like Jew-Zionist propaganda says (in order to legitimize its own form of fascism which is infinitely worse) but I am not a Nazi in any stretch of the imagination. Nazis defend elite privilege and hierarchical social structures, I do not in a million years. Nazis defend a pseudo-traditionalist, Judeo-Christian worldview of patriarchal and sexual repression, which I abhor. Nazis defend colonial theft and exploitation, and the genocide of people such as Africans and Native Americans who are impoverished by global capital, although it was actually Jews/Amerikkkans who were successful in doing this, but I would fight it to the death no matter who is doing it. Nazis defend bourgeois rule, private proverty and inegalitarian distributions of resources in the name of "iron laws of Nature", I do not. Nazis love "law and order", prisons and oinkshit brutality, my views on those things would get me put on an FBI watchlist if I posted it in public. All this applies equally to most supposed third positionists, "national anarchists" and others who occasionally pretend to sound quasi-leftist but defend a typically Christo-moralist, anti-woman pro-hierarchy view of society. Nazis, like all bourgeois ideologies, defend state terror of the bourgeois state apparatus against the working class, I am on the opposite side in the class struggle. The Nazi worldview, like the Zionist, is fundamentally authoritarian, imperialist and repressive. My view is libertarian, anti-imperialist and supportive of flourishing egalitarian utopias where exploitation, coercion and fear are banished into oblivion. The majority of leaders of Nazi groups would probably be baked in an oven if I had my way.

I see two reasons why my views would be seen as "Nazi" from the rootless cosmopolitan perspective. One is my view that the struggle for socialism should be intertwined with a rejection of mass immigration and race mixing, and that nations should be ethnically homogeneous and based on the preservation of folkish genetic and cultural characteristics. This does not in any way mean a rejection of internationalist brotherhood, mutual friendship and solidarity, but it means that the world's diverse ethnicities should stick with their own kind in order to preserve their uniqueness. Many of you would accept this for Global South peoples, and very rightly so indeed, but screech in horror that European-descended peoples also be able to preserve their genetic heritage without having it destroyed by race-replacement immigration. The "leftist" justifies mass immigration (reserve army of capital) as a punishment for colonialism as if the European working class was responsible for capitalism's colonial genocide and horrors. Capitalist scum, whether white Europeans or (((not))), are the one who need to be punished for colonialism and it should involve less immigration and more being stripped naked and fed to arctic wolves in Siberia.

My other "Nazi" view, and perhaps the most "horrifying" one (but a very beautiful one in my honest opinion), is my belief that the Jews are not like all the other ethnicities that collectively make up our precious humanity, and my very sane methods of how to deal with that. Quite plainly they are a fundamentally corrosive, reactionary, anti-human force that has forfeited its right to exist as a group and the genocidally imperialist nature of "God's Chosen" can, as far as I am concerned, only be solved by ferocious force most certainly including a "final solution". Jews dominated colonialism and the slave trade, and benefited far more from it than "privileged" whites ever did. They are .2% of the world's population but at least 40% of billionaires, shouldn't that concern anyone seriously interested in class struggle? Virtually no Jews belong to the working class except in the illegal Zionist enemy occupying Palestine (may it suffer eternal torment) and even the cliffites (founded by a jew and proclaiming zero tolerance for "anti-semites") recognize that "working class" Zionists do not have legitimate class interests when their entire lifestyle depends on parasitic exploitation of beloved Palestine (freedom forever!) just as much as the Zionist capitalists' is. Yet this view that Jews are some kind of oppressed marginalized group like Blacks when they are the polar opposite is basically accepted by most of the "left" and especially websites like this.

Europeans originally lived in tribal societies based on primitive communist gift economy and the subordination of women was unknown. Premarital sex and homosexuality were seen as pleasures of life to be enjoyed endlessly. Solutions to crime were restorative rather than punitive. Then along came Christianity and all of this was deemed "satanic", a horrifying class structure set up and 50 million women burned as witches by fascist patriarchal feudal landlords terrified of European women's naturally liberated sexuality. I'm sure you all very rightly denounce this. OK, so where did Christianity come from? What ethnic group invented Christianity, which was the number one promoter of class hierarchies and destroyer of primitive communism throughout history until the rise of modern capitalism? I'd love to see a "leftist" Judeophile explain this away, since I have yet to see any of these cowards not trying to skirt around this issue.

The interests of Jews in leftist organization has always been the same, to infiltrate and hijack communism into cosmopolitan degeneracy. Communism became a healthy and nationalistic thing, despite the many pitfalls of Stalinism, in times and places where Jews were rightfully expelled from the party or else there were no jews in the first place. Lack of Jews is why Global South communists, most of whom are openly Jew-wise, are far less useless than their first world counterparts.

Everything I have said about Jews would be agreed about by Proudhon and Bakunin, founding fathers of anarchism who are admired not only by myself but half of this forum as well. In the case of Proudhon he was also a white supremacist and misogynist whereas I am not. To think that you would probably ban them from this forum if they were alive today despite supposedly following their ideas because MUH NO PLATFORM FOR FASCISTS, unless you are completely utterly hypocritical as fuck. How about the Houthi brothers and sisters in Yemen, whose outstanding motto includes "a curse upon the Jews." This group is correctly defended by groups like jew Sam Marcy's WWP, so why am I not allowed to express the same opinion? What of the comrades of Revolutionäre Zellen who separated Jews from humans in their heroic but tragically failed attack at Entebbe with assistance from never-forgotten lion of Uganda Idi Amin? For that matter what about brother Jason Robb of Lucasville prison uprising fame? Even anarchist websites admit he is still a white separatist. Last photo I saw of him he wore a Thor's Hammer medallion and considering the source of the photo I doubt he is one of the "Africans can worship the Æsir" types. His case should be living proof that white separatism and multiracial unity against oppression are not mutually exclusive.

And the whole idea of shutting up free speech for fascists and thus refusing to debate them, whether that means actual fascists or people like me who are probably to the left of most of this forum, is a good way to make it look like the fascists are right. How can you prove their ideology is false if you won't even debate them? It shows utter pathetic cowardice, and that is particularly true when you turn your "anti-fascism" against someone like me who points out the absurd inconsistency of someone who condemns problems that are clearly Jewish in origin while shutting down anyone even remotely bringing up the Jewish role in them.

Are you willing to discuss any of the points I have made and make a proper intellectual argument to show that I am actually completely wrong? Or are you going to, completely predictably, delete this post and ban me because you can't handle a debate that raises questions about certain "taboo" topics? In other words: are you going to try to win the argument, or are you going to admit defeat in the most craven, pathetic way imaginable?

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