Scene 1-03-1: Cleaning Up

From Drunkenmurder

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VDZ's version

Commented version

;[l] is wait for keypress, arrow down, [p] is wait for keypress, arrow right, [r] is newline, [cm] is new screen, anything with ; is a comment

;Scene 1-03-1: Cleaning up
Dodging the empty bottles and other obstacles on the floor, I make my way to the kitchen to leave my dishes in the kitchen sink.[p][r]
I guess I should clean them, but I don't feel like doing so right now.[p] I guess I'm a lazy guy, huh? Oh well...[l][cm]
Once again dodging the same empty bottles and other obstacles, I walk/hop/stumble my way back to the desk I ate at, and flop into the chair.[p][r]
I must say, the mess on the ground is a bit inconvenient.[l][cm]
So, let's see, let's see...[p]so far today, I woke up, took a shower, and wasted the rest of my day reading magazines. I then ate dinner, bringing me to my current situation.[p][r]
...I guess I really am a lazy guy.[l][cm]
Anyways, the headache I had this morning was gone, but I still can't remember a thing.[p][r]
No, that's not right.[p] Just now, when I made dinner, I remembered exactly where everything was in the kitchen.[p] I opened a specific drawer, and it contained two microwave dinners, just as I had expected for some reason.[l][cm]
I guess the alcohol is still messing with my head.[p] Maybe I just can't get a grasp on the situation because my room looks different with all the mess in the floor.[p][r]
Even I realize that this hypothesis makes little sense, but...I have no other ideas.[p] I'd rather have an unlikely solution than no solution.[p][r]
Or maybe I just needed some better reason to clean up this mess, not feeling like cleaning it up just to clean it up.[p] Lazy...[l][cm]
;I know, alcohol doesn't work that way. But Roy doesn't, and that's what matters.
;Slow '...'
Once again traversing the obstacle-ridden floor, I move to the kitchen to get a garbage bag.[p] It's in the first drawer I look in.[p][r]
As I wonder about my inconsistent memory, I start cleaning up the room.[l][cm]
;fade out and fade in
After a bit of cleaning, something feels off to me.[p] When I took my microwave dinner out of the fridge, I immediately thought of the taste, and what it felt like to eat the food.[p] I was looking forward to enjoying the food as I was microwaving it.[p][r]
But these empty bottles...[p] I feel nothing. It's as if they're foreign to me.[p] No matter how much I think about it, no taste comes to mind, and I can't seem to recall any experience of drinking anything alcoholic.[p][r]
(Do I even ever drink beer...?)[l][cm]
I shake my head.[p] I'm just overthinking this.[p] There's so many things I can't remember right now, so not being able to remember such a thing is only to be expected.[p][r]
I sigh and continue cleaning my room.[l][cm]
;fade out
...this goes here...[p][r]
...that goes there...[p][r]
...this is junk...into the bag...[p][r]
...oh, another magazine...where did I leave the pile of magazines...?[p][r]
There. All finished.[l][cm]
;fade in
From the corner of the room, I take a good look at the room, prepared to regain my memories.[p][r]
Disappointment hits me almost immediately.[p] Of course I hadn't really expected it to work, but it's still disappointing.[p][r]
(Well, at least my room is no longer an obstacle course...)[l][cm]
Well, I guess it's obvious.[p] My mind is just hazy, it's simply a matter of time.[p] You can't rush something like that.[p][r]
It kind of sucks, as there's nothing I can do except wait.[p] Well, I suppose I could at least try to make the time seem to pass faster...[p][r]
Looking at the clock, it seems it's already time to use the ideal method of making time pass quickly.[l][cm]
I switch off the lights and turn in for the day.[p][r]
(Tomorrow, I'll wake up, and everything will be back to normal...)[l][cm]
;And we all know what happens when a character says that. Chapter 2 start!

Actually readable version

Dodging the empty bottles and other obstacles on the floor, I make my way to the kitchen to leave my dishes in the kitchen sink.
I guess I should clean them, but I don't feel like doing so right now. I guess I'm a lazy guy, huh? Oh well...

Once again dodging the same empty bottles and other obstacles, I walk/hop/stumble my way back to the desk I ate at, and flop into the chair.
I must say, the mess on the ground is a bit inconvenient.

So, let's see, let's far today, I woke up, took a shower, and wasted the rest of my day reading magazines. I then ate dinner, bringing me to my current situation.
...I guess I really am a lazy guy.

Anyways, the headache I had this morning was gone, but I still can't remember a thing.
No, that's not right. Just now, when I made dinner, I remembered exactly where everything was in the kitchen. I opened a specific drawer, and it contained two microwave dinners, just as I had expected for some reason.

I guess the alcohol is still messing with my head. Maybe I just can't get a grasp on the situation because my room looks different with all the mess in the floor.
Even I realize that this hypothesis makes little sense, but...I have no other ideas. I'd rather have an unlikely solution than no solution.
Or maybe I just needed some better reason to clean up this mess, not feeling like cleaning it up just to clean it up. Lazy...

Once again traversing the obstacle-ridden floor, I move to the kitchen to get a garbage bag. It's in the first drawer I look in.
As I wonder about my inconsistent memory, I start cleaning up the room.

After a bit of cleaning, something feels off to me. When I took my microwave dinner out of the fridge, I immediately thought of the taste, and what it felt like to eat the food. I was looking forward to enjoying the food as I was microwaving it.
But these empty bottles... I feel nothing. It's as if they're foreign to me. No matter how much I think about it, no taste comes to mind, and I can't seem to recall any experience of drinking anything alcoholic.
(Do I even ever drink beer...?)

I shake my head. I'm just overthinking this. There's so many things I can't remember right now, so not being able to remember such a thing is only to be expected.
I sigh and continue cleaning my room.

...this goes here...
...that goes there...
...this is junk...into the bag...
...oh, another magazine...where did I leave the pile of magazines...?
There. All finished.

From the corner of the room, I take a good look at the room, prepared to regain my memories.
Disappointment hits me almost immediately. Of course I hadn't really expected it to work, but it's still disappointing.
(Well, at least my room is no longer an obstacle course...)

Well, I guess it's obvious. My mind is just hazy, it's simply a matter of time. You can't rush something like that.
It kind of sucks, as there's nothing I can do except wait. Well, I suppose I could at least try to make the time seem to pass faster...
Looking at the clock, it seems it's already time to use the ideal method of making time pass quickly.

I switch off the lights and turn in for the day.
(Tomorrow, I'll wake up, and everything will be back to normal...)

SHIKI Anon's version

Some time has passed and I’ve briefly resigned myself to watching television. Flipping through the channels unenthusiastically, I feel really bored, since nothing on seems to interest me at all. Could it be that I can't even remember my interests?

Without enough time to ponder, a high-pitched chime rings from the kitchen. Huh? What's that sound? ...oh right, didn't I put on a microwave dinner earlier?

It’s already afternoon.

My headache is now gone. I bask in this relief as I munch on this cheap, easily prepared meal before me.

Fully satisfied, I go back into the room to look around the room for something entertaining to do.

Trash, bed, trash, clock, magazines, closet, trash, TV...

I guess it can't be helped... Hesitantly, I lay again on the soft bed and cast myself inside the blanket of its linen sheets.


with a press of a button on the remote control, the TV (*)came to life.

It is now evening, quarter past six. I had spent a few hours mindlessly watching television.

Ah. I’ve had enough of this... Left completely unsatisfied and grimly desperate to leave the state of boredom, I decide to clean up a little.

It suddenly came to me – I still don’t remember anything about myself. Dammit, it’s already been about a day... Trying to relieve myself of unnecessary tension, I resigned myself to cleaning the room. Ahhh... maybe cleaning the room would bring something to me...

I stood up in sheer frustration.

I decide to clean up the magazines first, placing them into the desk, beside the computer.

Then, I gather up all the bottles and cans on the floor. Inspecting them closer, I realized that I was right. All of these cans and bottles were alcoholic drinks. However...

Just how many cases are these? One... Two... Maybe more I haven’t found yet. Still, even two cases of beer... I couldn’t possibly have... could I? To add to that, I don't think that I am someone who drinks a lot...

AAAH! I scratched my head violently. There must be something wrong with my head... I must be remembering it wrong!

I picked a can up and stared at it for a few seconds. Whatever...

I had finished cleaning up the room at around 9:00 PM... or so I think it was what the clock read. Without even bothering to take a look, I sit on the bed.

So... Nobody came... No one came at all. I scratched my head.

I had been waiting all day for someone to come, most possibly the owner of this room, who I may know, so that he or she might help me...

However, nobody came... Left alone, I could only come to the conclusion that this room must belong to me. That, or the owner is on an extended vacation. Nevertheless, I am the only one here, and so, be it my room or not, I need to take good care of this place until my memories get cleared up.

Worn out, I lay on the bed, feeling both comfort and discomfort under the warm sheets.

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