Scene 2-01-1: Who am I?

From Drunkenmurder

Revision as of 02:38, 13 June 2009 by SHIKI Anon (Talk | contribs)
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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

The soft sound fills my thoughts.

Without thinking, I just lay there, motionless.

For the longest while, I have felt uncomfortable, yet I fail to do anything about it.

Why am I so restless? As it goes on, I feel more uncomfortable. Why is it that I feel irritated? I feel something wet on my pillow.

I rustle around to find a more comfortable spot, but to no avail.

I see a curtain.

Why did I open my eyes? Something on the tip of my nose catches my eye.

I was sweating – a lot.

Geez. It was getting quite hot. I could guess that I overslept and that it’s now around ten o’clock in the morning...

I forcibly sit up, throwing off a pillow in the process. Man, that was irritating...

ah- I looked at the clock at my side.

“10:52 AM”, it read. Uh- so I did oversleep...

Without thinking, I get up and head to the bathroom.

I scratch my back.

What are you looking at? I look at my messed up appearance in the mirror.


I suddenly feel strange.

I caught a glimpse of the plastic bottle on the floor.


Unable to say anything, I realize a horrible thing... What... I... Who... am I...? My face is contorted.

Wha... I clench my hands.

Why... I clutch my head.

“WHY CAN’T I STILL REMEMBER ANYTHING!?”, I yell at the top of my voice.

Trying to calm down, I pace around the room.

How long has it been? A day?

It’s been at least a day. Today would be the second day that I still haven’t recovered my memories.

A soft beep.

The clock read 11:00 AM.

I sat on the bed.

How come I still can’t remember anything? My headache is gone, although it throbs a bit every once in a while. Seriously... Something was definitely wrong. Unless I had developed some weird amnesia, I should at least have remembered my name by now...

Damnit. Damnit. I hammered the bed with clenched fists.

It was there that I decided – if my memories wouldn’t return to me, then I’ll just have to find them myself.

I stand up filled with desperation.

I got a glimpse of the books that I put away.

From the hard-bound covers, they seem to be academic books. I quickly browsed them, one-by-one, without any goal at all. I just wanted to find anything. Anything... is good enough...

Unable to find even a name marked on the books, I continue my search elsewhere.

Under the bed, I can see almost nothing. A few silhouettes of unrecognizable objects are seen.

All over the floor, I looked, to see if I missed something.

I look inside the closet and immediately, I happened on one of my most important finds yet – a wallet.

Could this... I was ecstatic at the moment. I had not even known if the wallet belonged to me or not.

I flip it open. Inside are some cash, and, most importantly, an ID.

Finally, I got what I was looking for. Let’s see... I closely inspected it.

Roy Miller? Looking at the picture, it’s apparently my name.

A- It suddenly feels familiar. That’s right – that’s my name... 20 years old.

Also written on it is a name of some kind of institute. I’m not exactly sure, but most probably, I’m in college or some related education.

That thought brightened my spirits. For the first time in a while, I actually had something I can do to help myself.

If I’m studying, I’ll be able to contact some of my classmates. All I need to do is find someone to contact...


A small pain in my abdomen stops me cold.

Oh... I haven’t eaten yet, today.

Blip. Blip. Blip. Blip. Blip. Bleep.

Letting yet another microwave dinner cook, I sit down at the kitchen table, with a sense of accomplishment.

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